Monday, April 2, 2007

Introducing Carmen Schlamb...

Carmen Schlamb is the new King Campus Environmental Coordinator. Carmen has three passions in life: her family, photography, and the environment. Carmen earned a diploma from the Western Academy of Photography in Victoria, BC specializing in photojournalism. She also earned a degree from the University of Winnipeg with a double major in Environmental Studies and Public Policy. She specialized in nature interpretation and worked at many field centres in Winnipeg and Toronto. A graduate of the ORC program, Carmen stayed on at King Campus to help teach in the ORC and RLS programs from 1999-2001. She returns now as Environmental Coordinator and continues to teach photography in Continuing Education. Carmen has two little ones who help keep her on her toes.

We asked Carmen what little known fact she would be willing to share about herself...did you know that she learned how to rock climb to get over her fear of heights?!

You can contact Carmen at the Farm Office, ext. 5047 or by email:

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