Wednesday, April 25, 2007

No more pencils, no more books…

A huge sigh of relief was heard throughout Garriock Hall by the end of exams. No more shushing in the library, no more cramming in the halls, and sadly, no more Tim Hortons! Even though the semester is (finally) over, there’s still lots of stuff going on at King and we’ll keep you posted all summer long.


Don’t forget about the music extravaganza coming to King Campus June 22nd – 24th. That’s right…a third day has been added to Kingfest.

Take a hike!

Clare Magee will conduct an educational hike for all who are interested on Thursday, April 26, and Friday, April 27, from 12:00 to 12:45.
Walk from Garriock Hall to view and understand the restored wetland and new wildlife travel corridor. Stand where First Nations artifacts were found in last summer's archaeology survey. Hold stone artifacts confirming 6,000 years of seasonal use of that site!

Meet at the west door of the 300 Portables at noon. Wear 'mud' footwear.

Summer Reading Picks

Looking for some great reads this summer? The King Library Staff will be recommending their favourites all summer long.

Like Sci Fi? Sharon recommends:
• Neil Gaiman American Gods
• Jim Butcher Storm Front
• Rachel Caine Ill Wind

Earth Day a Success

Over 100 people celebrated Earth Day at the King Campus on Saturday, April 21st. The weather was fantastic for the interpretive hikes in the old growth forest, interpretive canoe trips along the shores of Seneca Lake, tree planting and discussions about a pre-contact First Nations settlement on campus. Event organizer, Kevin French, comments: “As the event continues on an annual basis we hope to reach out to a larger population with a growing impetus to educate patrons on how to 'green' their own lives and to develop an appreciation for the outdoors."
Well done Kevin and all who volunteered their time and expertise!
(Photo credit: Ralph Marascio)

Monday, April 2, 2007

Spring has sprung...

Well it looks like spring has arrived at King Campus. The birds are singing, the grass is turing green and the dogs at the Animal Health Facility are enjoying the mud. There are only a few weeks left of the winter semester and everyone is feeling the crunch. We have plenty of news to keep you updated on the events and people at King Campus. Peruse at your leisure to find out what's happened and what's coming up!

Introducing Carmen Schlamb...

Carmen Schlamb is the new King Campus Environmental Coordinator. Carmen has three passions in life: her family, photography, and the environment. Carmen earned a diploma from the Western Academy of Photography in Victoria, BC specializing in photojournalism. She also earned a degree from the University of Winnipeg with a double major in Environmental Studies and Public Policy. She specialized in nature interpretation and worked at many field centres in Winnipeg and Toronto. A graduate of the ORC program, Carmen stayed on at King Campus to help teach in the ORC and RLS programs from 1999-2001. She returns now as Environmental Coordinator and continues to teach photography in Continuing Education. Carmen has two little ones who help keep her on her toes.

We asked Carmen what little known fact she would be willing to share about herself...did you know that she learned how to rock climb to get over her fear of heights?!

You can contact Carmen at the Farm Office, ext. 5047 or by email:

Connecting with our earth

Join us for Earth Day 2007, April 21st from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm. Outdoor education and activities include interpretive walks, interpretive paddles, trail improvement work, nature photography workshops and tree/shrub planting. A veggie lunch is available and there are activites for children. Bring your family and be prepared for the weather as this is a rain or shine event. Contact Kevin French for more information.

Want your favourite magazine or journal delivered to your mailbox?

Did you know that Seneca Libraries offers a magazine/journal delivery service? All you need to do is contact Sharon Doyle and your favourite reads will be delivered to your mailbox. Once you have read it you put it in an envelope and send it to the next person on the list. Sound easy? It is!

Seneca Bowl for Kids Sake Team

On Saturday, March 10th a group of Senecans showed their support for local children by participating in a bowling fundraiser. Seneca was proudly represented by almost 20 bowlers who raised $1551.00. Well done team! Those of you who missed it this year can get practicing for next year's event.