Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Snow is falling, exams are half done (thank goodness!), and the parties are about to begin. Before we break for the holidays, let's review some Fall events and check out what's happening on campus.

Remembrance Day 2010

In addition to our annual outdoor ceremony, King Campus observed Remembrance Day with a speaker event arranged by SSW. Students listened to the stories of a holocaust survivor and a Korean war veteran prior to moving outside to observe the Remembrance Day ceremony. Readings were performed by Recreation Council members while a piper played. Thanks to all who attended and participated, especially to SSW and Recreation Council members who organized these important events.

Mental Health Awareness Day

On December 2nd, The SSW Mental Health class (pictured in the photo on the left) hosted the first King Campus Mental Health Awareness Day. The well attended event offered participants free food, prizes, henna tattoos, live performances and mental health related information booths. Guest speakers discussed managing anxiety and available community services.

The event raised $1,744.00 for the York Centre for Children, Youth & Families, and the Canadian Mental Health Association. Money was raised through a raffle and silent auction. Winners of the top raffle prizes included Gord Imrie who won an iPad and SSW student, Victoria, who won an iPod Touch. Thank you to students and faculty who worked to bring us this event and make it such a huge success.

Welcome to King!

We are pleased to welcome two new members to the King Campus community.

Larry White: Chair, School of Public Safety, Underwater Skills, Recreation and Environmental Studies with the Faculty of Applied Arts and Health Sciences. Larry comes to us from Algonquin College where he was the Academic Manager for the School of Part-time Studies. Larry also has extensive experience working with First Nations communities in the Western Arctic, Northern Saskatchewan and Eastern Ontario / Western Quebec.

Julie McGuigan: Academic Advisor. Julie has worked for Seneca for six years and comes to us from Student Services at Newnham and Markham campuses. Julie also teaches a course in Flight Services in the Tourism program at Markham.

Salvation Army

It's time to start collecting items for our annual campus Family Sponsorship program with the Salvation Army. This year there is a shortage of toy donations for children, most specifically babies, toddlers, and teens from 14-17 years old.

If you would like to contribute please bring your unwrapped items to the donation box in Michelle Hutt's office.

Thank you for making the effort to participate, the Salvation Army is very grateful of our ongoing generosity.

King Holiday Potluck

Get ready to celebrate the end of the Fall semester! The Annual Holiday Potluck Lunch will be held at King Campus on Monday, December 20th at noon in Pod C. Please remember to return your RSVP to Cassidy Sharman in Administration.