Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome Back!

Welcome to the 2010 Fall Semester! The campus is buzzing with new and returning students settling in for a new semester.
We’ve got lots to discuss: the Golf Tournament, One Book, One Campus, Hot Dogs and more.
So keep reading!

One Book, One Campus

The One Book, One Campus event is back! This year Joseph Boyden will be reading from his Scotiabank Giller Prize winning book, Through Black Spruce. Don’t miss this amazing event being held Thursday October 7th 2010 in Pod C at 12:35 pm, supported by First Peoples @ Seneca and Seneca Libraries. There will be door prizes so make sure you pick up your FREE tickets at the King Library.

Golf Tournament

The 2nd Annual King Classic Golf Tournament was held at Rolling Hills Golf Course on Monday, August 31st. A beautiful hot sunny day for the golfers and "gofers" who enjoyed a friendly round of golf. The winning team (after a 4 hole tie-breaker) was President David Agnew, Nycole Harding, John Russell and Cynthia Mckeich. The most honest team (the "gofers"), were the Library crew of Autumn Piette, Ken Wu, Julie Cain and Kathryn Klages. Raffle tickets were sold at the event for a number of generously donated prizes. The $700 raised will be donated to Student Bursaries and Awards and Canadian Crime Victims Foundation.

Therapeutic Recreation Applied Degree

September 2010 marked the launch of a new applied degree at King Campus. The Applied Degree in Therapeutic Recreation focuses on therapeutic activities, addictions, counseling, wellness, physiology, community development, psychology, and more. There are 6 different streams that students can choose from: addictions, community development, mental health, physical rehabilitation, wellness, and an interdisciplinary stream.

Hot Dogs!

The Hot Dog Vendor cart has arrived. Hot dogs, sausages and veggie dogs are available outside of Pod A (and they are halal). Yum!