Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Team King Campus

Welcome back from Study Week! We are nearing the end of the semester and getting closer to the beginning of Spring. In the spirit of Olympic achievement, this issue of the campus news blog will bring you the results of our Haiti Fundraiser and share what some of our staff and faculty have been up to. For instance, check out Tania Killian's experiences at the Olympics!

Go Team Tania!

King nursing faculty and RN, Tania Killian, was on the Olympic Medical Team. She applied for the position two and a half years ago and was in Vancouver overseeing events such as the ice dancing gold medal win by Canadians, Virtue and Moir. For more information about Tania's olympic adventures and to check out her incredible photos, visit her blog.

Haiti Relief Event

The student organized fundraiser, which took place on Thursday, January 21st, was a wild success. The campus raised $5132.27 which will be matched by the Seneca Student Federation. This new figure of $10,264.54 will then be matched again by the government for a donation of over $20,500! The day featured a culturally themed fashion show and very big auction. Congratulations and many thanks to all who participated and contributed to this amazing event, particularly the students who took the initiative to organize it. Photo courtesy of Paul Cadoo.

Seneca's Distinguished Alumni Award

One of this year's Distinguished Alumni Awards goes to our very own Michelle Hutt! Michelle, Manager of Academic Services at King campus, is one of six alumni being honored and was selected in the category of "Double Senecan." She graduated from Seneca's Hospitality and Tourism Program in 1997. Congratulations on your achievement Michelle! Photo courtesy of Stephanie Lake. The student pictured with Michelle is Michelle Edwards.

You may now kiss the bride :)

Recently Ted Tom, coordinator of the Golf Course Technician Program and Mike VanBeek, GCT faculty, presided over the wedding of GCT graduate, Minho Lee. Photo courtesy of John Payne.