Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcome to the New Decade

Welcome back everyone. Here we are in the first weeks of the new semester and the new year, reeling from the devastating effects of the earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12th and once again settling into the rhythm of campus life. Please be sure to check out the Haiti Relief Effort Event that has been scheduled for Thursday, January 21st. Read on for details about this and for all that is new this semester.

King Campus Haiti Relief Effort

Students, faculty, and staff at Seneca have organized campus fundraising events to assist those who have been affected by the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Please show your support by participating in the King Campus Haiti relief effort event: Rebuilding Haiti

What: A fashion show, art display, auction, raffle, games and special guest performances from Dreamss Brown and Mayhem Morearty
Where: King Campus
Date: Thursday, January 21
Time: Noon

First Peoples Film Series

A different First Peoples Film will be featured once a month starting on Tuesday January 26th with "Wapos Bay", a native claymation series.
Location: Pod C
Time: 12-1

Tickets are free and can be picked up in the King Library.
Lunch will be provided to all film viewers and there will be door prizes.

Following the film there will be two guest speakers:
Aboriginal Student Counselor, Ed Sackaney and Early Childhood Education Chair, Mary Fisher.

Bring your classes!

From the Living Library to the Library Living Room

Notice something different when you walk into the library? Look to the right as you step inside the doors and you'll see that we have moved the reference desk. In our continued effort to improve library services, we have rearranged the position of our reference desk to make the service more approachable and accessible to faculty and students. You'll notice we've flanked the desk with two of the library's comfiest chairs. So comfortable in fact, it's like being at home in your own living room! You must come by for a sit-down, we'll answer your questions and solve problems in cozy comfort.

Time to Book Class Visits

While we're on the topic of the library, don't forget that we are here to support your courses with our vast resources, information, and class visits. Library staff are happy to conduct class visits to provide instruction regarding the access of library resources, research, and citation. To book your visits, or inquire, please contact your library liaison or call ext. 5107.

For more information on how we can support you, check out the library's "for faculty" webpage.

Welcome New Tutors in the Learning Centre

Joining the Learning Centre team this semester are Co-op Students from the University of Waterloo: Jason Grewal, Health Science Tutor; Heather Wogden, English Tutor; Louis Napier-Linton, Math Tutor; and Naheed Somji, English Tutor. The Learning Centre staff also includes Allison Simone, Learning Centre Support Officer, and Marlene Lecompte, Faculty Advisor.

Food Pantry For Students

As in previous semesters, the food pantry is an emergency service available for students in need. The food pantry is located in the Learning Centre.

Ready to be pampered?

There is now a Registered Massage Therapist on campus. Please contact Angela at (416) 729-4742 for an appointment.