Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Snow is falling, exams are half done (thank goodness!), and the parties are about to begin. Before we break for the holidays, let's review some Fall events and check out what's happening on campus.

Remembrance Day 2010

In addition to our annual outdoor ceremony, King Campus observed Remembrance Day with a speaker event arranged by SSW. Students listened to the stories of a holocaust survivor and a Korean war veteran prior to moving outside to observe the Remembrance Day ceremony. Readings were performed by Recreation Council members while a piper played. Thanks to all who attended and participated, especially to SSW and Recreation Council members who organized these important events.

Mental Health Awareness Day

On December 2nd, The SSW Mental Health class (pictured in the photo on the left) hosted the first King Campus Mental Health Awareness Day. The well attended event offered participants free food, prizes, henna tattoos, live performances and mental health related information booths. Guest speakers discussed managing anxiety and available community services.

The event raised $1,744.00 for the York Centre for Children, Youth & Families, and the Canadian Mental Health Association. Money was raised through a raffle and silent auction. Winners of the top raffle prizes included Gord Imrie who won an iPad and SSW student, Victoria, who won an iPod Touch. Thank you to students and faculty who worked to bring us this event and make it such a huge success.

Welcome to King!

We are pleased to welcome two new members to the King Campus community.

Larry White: Chair, School of Public Safety, Underwater Skills, Recreation and Environmental Studies with the Faculty of Applied Arts and Health Sciences. Larry comes to us from Algonquin College where he was the Academic Manager for the School of Part-time Studies. Larry also has extensive experience working with First Nations communities in the Western Arctic, Northern Saskatchewan and Eastern Ontario / Western Quebec.

Julie McGuigan: Academic Advisor. Julie has worked for Seneca for six years and comes to us from Student Services at Newnham and Markham campuses. Julie also teaches a course in Flight Services in the Tourism program at Markham.

Salvation Army

It's time to start collecting items for our annual campus Family Sponsorship program with the Salvation Army. This year there is a shortage of toy donations for children, most specifically babies, toddlers, and teens from 14-17 years old.

If you would like to contribute please bring your unwrapped items to the donation box in Michelle Hutt's office.

Thank you for making the effort to participate, the Salvation Army is very grateful of our ongoing generosity.

King Holiday Potluck

Get ready to celebrate the end of the Fall semester! The Annual Holiday Potluck Lunch will be held at King Campus on Monday, December 20th at noon in Pod C. Please remember to return your RSVP to Cassidy Sharman in Administration.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November Highlights

Welcome to the November edition of the King Campus News. The Learning Centre has new tutors, the library has a new video streaming database, and there is much more going on! Read on to find out what's new.

Canadian Blood Services

Canadian Blood Services would like to thank those who participated for their support in hosting, coordinating and promoting the blood drive at King Campus on Monday, November 1st. A total of 68 donors attended the clinic resulting in the collection of 36 units of blood. This amount can save or improve the lives of up to 108 people. Thank you to all the blood donors, your contribution is tremendously valuable.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Learning Centre's New Tutors

The Learning Centre provides FREE tutoring for general and program-specific courses. The Learning Centre is open Monday to Thursday from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm and Fridays from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm and is located within the Library.

Joining the Learning Centre team this semester are Co-op Students from the University of Waterloo. Featured in this picture are: Audrey Wong, English Tutor; Robyn Hocking, English Tutor; Allison Simone, Learning Centre Support Officer; Marlene Lecompte, Faculty Advisor; Jenifer Nguyen, Math Tutor; and Khanh Tran, Health Science Tutor.

Food Pantry

Just a reminder that the food pantry is still available for students. The food pantry is an emergency food service for students and is located in the Learning Centre. For more information on the food pantry, please contact Marlene Lecompte.

Films On Demand

Seneca Libraries now offers Films On Demand, a streaming video collection of educational films covering a broad range of subjects and supporting programs such as Police Foundations, Nursing, Social Work, Early Childhood Education, and many more. Videos are available as Flash Video streams, but Windows Media and QuickTime formats are also available for most titles. If you have questions please drop by the library or contact Information Services Librarian, Manda Plavsa.

Extended Library Hours

To better meet the needs of students, faculty, and staff at King Campus, the Library has extended its' evening hours to 7:30 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays.

The library's new hours are as follows:
Monday-Thursday: 7:30 am - 7:30 pm
Friday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm

Monday, November 1, 2010

One Book, One Campus

The One Book One Campus event, featuring Giller Prize winning author, Joseph Boyden, took place on October 7th in Pod C. The successful event was attended by an engaged audience of two hundred students and faculty who listened to Mr. Boyden read from his Giller Prize winning book, Through Black Spruce. The reading was followed by a question and answer session and book signing by the author. The success of this event was due to the generous sponsorship of the First Nations@Seneca. A free pizza lunch was provided by the Seneca Student Federation and the King Recreation Council. A big thank you to everyone who contributed their time and support.
Photo credits to: Lisa Hurst-Rykhoff

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome Back!

Welcome to the 2010 Fall Semester! The campus is buzzing with new and returning students settling in for a new semester.
We’ve got lots to discuss: the Golf Tournament, One Book, One Campus, Hot Dogs and more.
So keep reading!

One Book, One Campus

The One Book, One Campus event is back! This year Joseph Boyden will be reading from his Scotiabank Giller Prize winning book, Through Black Spruce. Don’t miss this amazing event being held Thursday October 7th 2010 in Pod C at 12:35 pm, supported by First Peoples @ Seneca and Seneca Libraries. There will be door prizes so make sure you pick up your FREE tickets at the King Library.

Golf Tournament

The 2nd Annual King Classic Golf Tournament was held at Rolling Hills Golf Course on Monday, August 31st. A beautiful hot sunny day for the golfers and "gofers" who enjoyed a friendly round of golf. The winning team (after a 4 hole tie-breaker) was President David Agnew, Nycole Harding, John Russell and Cynthia Mckeich. The most honest team (the "gofers"), were the Library crew of Autumn Piette, Ken Wu, Julie Cain and Kathryn Klages. Raffle tickets were sold at the event for a number of generously donated prizes. The $700 raised will be donated to Student Bursaries and Awards and Canadian Crime Victims Foundation.

Therapeutic Recreation Applied Degree

September 2010 marked the launch of a new applied degree at King Campus. The Applied Degree in Therapeutic Recreation focuses on therapeutic activities, addictions, counseling, wellness, physiology, community development, psychology, and more. There are 6 different streams that students can choose from: addictions, community development, mental health, physical rehabilitation, wellness, and an interdisciplinary stream.

Hot Dogs!

The Hot Dog Vendor cart has arrived. Hot dogs, sausages and veggie dogs are available outside of Pod A (and they are halal). Yum!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Beginnings

You know it's Spring at King Campus when the osprey returns and the flowers bloom. To mark the season, this year on campus we have the birth of a filly foal, named Kali, to Moondrop, the Veterinary Technician Program's pony mare. Welcome to the Spring semester!

Academic Support for Students

Please note that the Learning Centre remains open during the spring/summer months. Located in the library, the Learning Centre provides free one-on-one and small group tutoring and workshops on study skills, time management, and exam preparation. Don't forget to book library instruction class visits with your library contacts.

2010 Seneca Employee Picnic

Mark June 7th on your calendars and get ready for a day of fun!
When: 12-4 p.m.
Where: McCutcheon Island, King Campus
  • BBQ Food
  • Cash Bar
  • Midway Games
  • Rock Climbing
  • Paddle Boating
  • Voyager Canoe Ride
  • Beach Volleyball (Sign up)
  • Prize Draws (Winners will be posted on My.Seneca)
  • Four way tug-o-war (this event takes place at 2:30 and is $5 per person. Sign-up as teams or individuals. Proceeds will go towards helping Seneca students through the general endowment bursary)
Please RSVP by Friday, May 28. For more information: 416.491.5050 x7016 seneca.events@senecac.on.ca

Annual EVLC Spring Plant Sale

The Environmental Landscape program is holding their annual hanging basket sale. This year they grew Superbenas, a larger variety of the Verbena. They are available in burgundy, coral, red, purple, or blue.

Price: $8 each or 2 for $15 (cash only)
Times: Friday, May 14th, 12-1pm
Monday May, 17th, 12-1pm
Location: Greenhouse

If you are interested and you are not available at these times, please contact Jane Davey to arrange an alternate time.

Long Commute to Campus?

Well, have we got something for you! Seneca libraries now offers a new audiobook collection. The collection primarily consists of current popular fiction and includes some classics. You can download digital audiobooks in wma and mp3 formats (these are compatible with ipods and can be burned to CD). To access titles you must first download and install the OverDrive Media Console . This free software allows you to check out and download audiobooks to your preferred listening device. If you have any questions, require assistance, or just want to provide some feedback please stop by the King Library.

Excellence in Seneca Awards

The Excellence in Seneca Awards recognize individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the College. This year's recipients include Sue Miller, Office Assistant, Counselling and Disability Services at King Campus. Sue has been an outstanding contributor to the Seneca community for more than 38 years. Sue takes the time necessary to ensure that each student has his or her needs met and receives helpful information. Sue has also greatly impacted those with whom she works. As a resource and valuable team member, Sue has contributed to the smooth operation of her department, including going above and beyond the call of duty to provide training, support and knowledge during times of transition.

"Gophers and Golfers"

Get ready for the 2nd Annual King Classic Golf Tournament. Act fast because tickets are almost sold out!

Where: Rolling Hills Golf Club
When: Monday, August 30th, 2010, 1:00 p.m.

Best Ball Tournament.
$75 per golfer, includes cart, round, and dinner.
Awards and dinner to follow.

Please contact Michelle Hutt at ext.5003 to register yourself and your team.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Team King Campus

Welcome back from Study Week! We are nearing the end of the semester and getting closer to the beginning of Spring. In the spirit of Olympic achievement, this issue of the campus news blog will bring you the results of our Haiti Fundraiser and share what some of our staff and faculty have been up to. For instance, check out Tania Killian's experiences at the Olympics!

Go Team Tania!

King nursing faculty and RN, Tania Killian, was on the Olympic Medical Team. She applied for the position two and a half years ago and was in Vancouver overseeing events such as the ice dancing gold medal win by Canadians, Virtue and Moir. For more information about Tania's olympic adventures and to check out her incredible photos, visit her blog.

Haiti Relief Event

The student organized fundraiser, which took place on Thursday, January 21st, was a wild success. The campus raised $5132.27 which will be matched by the Seneca Student Federation. This new figure of $10,264.54 will then be matched again by the government for a donation of over $20,500! The day featured a culturally themed fashion show and very big auction. Congratulations and many thanks to all who participated and contributed to this amazing event, particularly the students who took the initiative to organize it. Photo courtesy of Paul Cadoo.

Seneca's Distinguished Alumni Award

One of this year's Distinguished Alumni Awards goes to our very own Michelle Hutt! Michelle, Manager of Academic Services at King campus, is one of six alumni being honored and was selected in the category of "Double Senecan." She graduated from Seneca's Hospitality and Tourism Program in 1997. Congratulations on your achievement Michelle! Photo courtesy of Stephanie Lake. The student pictured with Michelle is Michelle Edwards.

You may now kiss the bride :)

Recently Ted Tom, coordinator of the Golf Course Technician Program and Mike VanBeek, GCT faculty, presided over the wedding of GCT graduate, Minho Lee. Photo courtesy of John Payne.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcome to the New Decade

Welcome back everyone. Here we are in the first weeks of the new semester and the new year, reeling from the devastating effects of the earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12th and once again settling into the rhythm of campus life. Please be sure to check out the Haiti Relief Effort Event that has been scheduled for Thursday, January 21st. Read on for details about this and for all that is new this semester.

King Campus Haiti Relief Effort

Students, faculty, and staff at Seneca have organized campus fundraising events to assist those who have been affected by the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Please show your support by participating in the King Campus Haiti relief effort event: Rebuilding Haiti

What: A fashion show, art display, auction, raffle, games and special guest performances from Dreamss Brown and Mayhem Morearty
Where: King Campus
Date: Thursday, January 21
Time: Noon

First Peoples Film Series

A different First Peoples Film will be featured once a month starting on Tuesday January 26th with "Wapos Bay", a native claymation series.
Location: Pod C
Time: 12-1

Tickets are free and can be picked up in the King Library.
Lunch will be provided to all film viewers and there will be door prizes.

Following the film there will be two guest speakers:
Aboriginal Student Counselor, Ed Sackaney and Early Childhood Education Chair, Mary Fisher.

Bring your classes!

From the Living Library to the Library Living Room

Notice something different when you walk into the library? Look to the right as you step inside the doors and you'll see that we have moved the reference desk. In our continued effort to improve library services, we have rearranged the position of our reference desk to make the service more approachable and accessible to faculty and students. You'll notice we've flanked the desk with two of the library's comfiest chairs. So comfortable in fact, it's like being at home in your own living room! You must come by for a sit-down, we'll answer your questions and solve problems in cozy comfort.

Time to Book Class Visits

While we're on the topic of the library, don't forget that we are here to support your courses with our vast resources, information, and class visits. Library staff are happy to conduct class visits to provide instruction regarding the access of library resources, research, and citation. To book your visits, or inquire, please contact your library liaison or call ext. 5107.

For more information on how we can support you, check out the library's "for faculty" webpage.

Welcome New Tutors in the Learning Centre

Joining the Learning Centre team this semester are Co-op Students from the University of Waterloo: Jason Grewal, Health Science Tutor; Heather Wogden, English Tutor; Louis Napier-Linton, Math Tutor; and Naheed Somji, English Tutor. The Learning Centre staff also includes Allison Simone, Learning Centre Support Officer, and Marlene Lecompte, Faculty Advisor.

Food Pantry For Students

As in previous semesters, the food pantry is an emergency service available for students in need. The food pantry is located in the Learning Centre.

Ready to be pampered?

There is now a Registered Massage Therapist on campus. Please contact Angela at (416) 729-4742 for an appointment.