Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Holidays!

With the Fall semester coming to a close and the holiday season upon us, King Campus is alive with exam jitters and seasonal festivity. Be sure to check out the festive front foyer of Garriock Hall and we hope to see everyone at the holiday potluck.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy, safe, and above all, FUN holiday season!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Potluck

Time to celebrate the holidays with food and fun. The King Campus Annual Potluck Lunch will take place on Friday, December 18th from noon until 2:00. Invites have been sent out. If you haven't received one, stop by the admin office and pick one up from Rachel.

The Living Library was a Huge Success!

The King Campus Career Living Library took place on November 17th and was a phenomenal success. "Readers" had the opportunity to sign out "books" who are leaders in career areas of interest to King students. "Books" included David Agnew , President of Seneca College, Armand La Barge, Chief of York Region Police, Josh Hook, Guitarist in Tokyo Police Club, Anne Menzie, Operations Manager, Cambridge Central Ambulance Communications Centre, and many more. Feedback from both "readers" and "books" was overwhelmingly positive. As a result Seneca libraries is hoping to expand the event to other campuses in the future. Thank you to everyone who participated, organized, and helped to make this a successful event.

Check Out Our Festive Foyer

A big thank you to Jane Davey from Environmental Landscaping for creating the beautiful holiday planters located in the front foyer. All of the materials were locally gathered from the surrounding environment. The planters add a wonderful holiday ambiance to Garriock Hall.

Holiday Giving

This year King Campus is having a toy drive for the Salvation Army.
Our donations provide new toys for children who may not otherwise have gifts to wake up to on Christmas morning. Please bring all donations (unwrapped toys) to the marked box located inside the Administration area.