Monday, November 9, 2009

Be Inspired

Mark your calendars: Seneca's first Living Library is taking place on Tuesday, November 17th! This is a big event for both students and faculty, providing you an opportunity to connect with leaders and mentors in your field. What exactly is a living library? Read on for this and more King Campus info...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Remembrance Day

The 2nd Annual King Campus Ceremony took place at the flagpole on November 11th.

Thanks to SSF and REC council members for participating.

Living Library

The King campus library is proud to present Canada's first career-themed Living Library! In the living library, the books are people and one "reads" them by interviewing them for a "loan period" of half an hour. The idea is to provide a unique learning experience and professional development by giving our students and faculty an opportunity to meet and interview successful people of interest.

When: Tuesday November 17, 2009
Where: Pod A

Among the many high profile "books" you can reserve at the Living Library will be:
David Agnew, President - Seneca College
Josh Hook, Guitarist - Tokyo Police Club
Armand La Barge, Chief - York Region Police (already booked solid!)
Doris Grinspun, Executive Director - Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Dr. Clayton MacKay, Director of Veterinary Affairs - Hill's Pet Nutrition

For a complete list of Living Library "books", to reserve your living "book", and for more information visit:
Or call 416.491.5050 ext.5105.

Construction at Garriock Hall

Noticed the mud and big orange signs around the front doors of Garriock Hall? King campus is building a lift to improve accessibility. The completion of the lift is scheduled for the new year.

Massage Therapy on Campus

Feeling run-down, looking to reduce muscle tension, or simply in need of a little relaxation? Angie Lloyd, Registered Massage Therapist, will be at King Campus every Thursday beginning Nov. 19, 2009. If you are interested in making an appointment to see her, please contact her directly at (416) 729-4742.

Food Pantry

The Learning Centre houses the Food Pantry for our students. They have a limited supply of bags of food for emergency situations. Students can go to the Learning Centre to get a bag or King employees can come in on behalf of a student. The Learning Centre also has a list of the local Food Banks and other financial budgeting tips.