Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring into action...

What do artisan workshops, ultimate frisbee, pasta lunches and photography in the library have in common? They are all news items in this edition of the King Campus News. Plus there's more...and it's all here at the King Campus! Read on and remember you can send your news items to us here.

King Artisan Centre @ Seneca

Coming this summer to the King Campus...5-day Artisan Workshops. There will be new topics every week for the month of July. The workshops will run Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Topics may include: stained glass, instrument ensemble, photography, welding for art, floral design and much much more! For more info please contact Janet Hilts at ext. 6801.

Food Pantry for Students

An emergency service is now available for students in need. The Food Pantry provides one meal package for a day for students. There is also a limited supply of canned goods. The Food Pantry is located in the King Library. Please direct students in need to the Reference desk in the library. This is a partnership of the Seneca Student Federation (SSF), the Learning Centre and the King Library.

Pasta Lunch to support the Food Pantry

The Seneca Student Federation (SSF) will be hosting a pasta lunch on April 8th from 11:30am to 1:00pm in the KingDome. Tickets are $2.00 and can be purchased in advance from Allison or Marlene in the Learning Centre.

Art in the Library

The King Library invites you to drop in and view the beautiful photographs on display. The photos of King Campus were taken by Lisa Hurst-Rykhoff, the circulation clerk in the library. Awesome photos Lisa!

Calling all Ultimate Frisbee Players

Are you interested in joining a co-ed recreational ultimate frisbee team? All ability levels are welcome. Please contact Steven May in the King Library (ext. 5110) for more info.

Canucks Run Amok

Have you noticed your King library staff speed walking around campus? They are competing in the Canucks Run Amok challenge in which libraries race across Canada. King's run-amokers are a competitive bunch. Out of 33 teams, they are currently in 6th place and gaining ground! Support the team by cheering library staff on when you see them walking/running across campus.