Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Holidays!

With the Fall semester coming to a close and the holiday season upon us, King Campus is alive with exam jitters and seasonal festivity. Be sure to check out the festive front foyer of Garriock Hall and we hope to see everyone at the holiday potluck.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy, safe, and above all, FUN holiday season!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Potluck

Time to celebrate the holidays with food and fun. The King Campus Annual Potluck Lunch will take place on Friday, December 18th from noon until 2:00. Invites have been sent out. If you haven't received one, stop by the admin office and pick one up from Rachel.

The Living Library was a Huge Success!

The King Campus Career Living Library took place on November 17th and was a phenomenal success. "Readers" had the opportunity to sign out "books" who are leaders in career areas of interest to King students. "Books" included David Agnew , President of Seneca College, Armand La Barge, Chief of York Region Police, Josh Hook, Guitarist in Tokyo Police Club, Anne Menzie, Operations Manager, Cambridge Central Ambulance Communications Centre, and many more. Feedback from both "readers" and "books" was overwhelmingly positive. As a result Seneca libraries is hoping to expand the event to other campuses in the future. Thank you to everyone who participated, organized, and helped to make this a successful event.

Check Out Our Festive Foyer

A big thank you to Jane Davey from Environmental Landscaping for creating the beautiful holiday planters located in the front foyer. All of the materials were locally gathered from the surrounding environment. The planters add a wonderful holiday ambiance to Garriock Hall.

Holiday Giving

This year King Campus is having a toy drive for the Salvation Army.
Our donations provide new toys for children who may not otherwise have gifts to wake up to on Christmas morning. Please bring all donations (unwrapped toys) to the marked box located inside the Administration area.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Be Inspired

Mark your calendars: Seneca's first Living Library is taking place on Tuesday, November 17th! This is a big event for both students and faculty, providing you an opportunity to connect with leaders and mentors in your field. What exactly is a living library? Read on for this and more King Campus info...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Remembrance Day

The 2nd Annual King Campus Ceremony took place at the flagpole on November 11th.

Thanks to SSF and REC council members for participating.

Living Library

The King campus library is proud to present Canada's first career-themed Living Library! In the living library, the books are people and one "reads" them by interviewing them for a "loan period" of half an hour. The idea is to provide a unique learning experience and professional development by giving our students and faculty an opportunity to meet and interview successful people of interest.

When: Tuesday November 17, 2009
Where: Pod A

Among the many high profile "books" you can reserve at the Living Library will be:
David Agnew, President - Seneca College
Josh Hook, Guitarist - Tokyo Police Club
Armand La Barge, Chief - York Region Police (already booked solid!)
Doris Grinspun, Executive Director - Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Dr. Clayton MacKay, Director of Veterinary Affairs - Hill's Pet Nutrition

For a complete list of Living Library "books", to reserve your living "book", and for more information visit: http://www.seneca.libguides.com/livinglibrary.
Or call 416.491.5050 ext.5105.

Construction at Garriock Hall

Noticed the mud and big orange signs around the front doors of Garriock Hall? King campus is building a lift to improve accessibility. The completion of the lift is scheduled for the new year.

Massage Therapy on Campus

Feeling run-down, looking to reduce muscle tension, or simply in need of a little relaxation? Angie Lloyd, Registered Massage Therapist, will be at King Campus every Thursday beginning Nov. 19, 2009. If you are interested in making an appointment to see her, please contact her directly at (416) 729-4742.

Food Pantry

The Learning Centre houses the Food Pantry for our students. They have a limited supply of bags of food for emergency situations. Students can go to the Learning Centre to get a bag or King employees can come in on behalf of a student. The Learning Centre also has a list of the local Food Banks and other financial budgeting tips.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Welcome Back!

Welcome to the new semester (and a special welcome to all new faculty and staff at King)! The campus is abuzz with activity as we start the Fall '09 term. We have had a Golf Tournament, brand new shelving in the library, and new tutors in the Learning Centre. Read on for more news!

New Tutors in the Learning Centre

The Learning Centre provides FREE tutoring for general and program-specific courses. Located inside the Library, the Learning Centre is open Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. New tutors from the University of Waterloo are available to work with your students. The centre will also be hiring Peer Tutors over the next few weeks. For suggestions and comments, please contact Marlene Lecompte. Pictured: Rose, Allison, Victor, Rasha, Daniela, and Marlene.

Re-vamped Library

King Library recently got brand new book shelves and a rearranged layout. View the video below to see how it was done and stop by to have a look.

Library Millionaires at the Residence Challenge

King Library staff took part in the Residence challenge on September 8th by staging the wildly popular "Who Wants to be a Library Millionaire" game. Fun and engaging, the game is designed to teach students about library services and policies. Please contact Autumn Piette if you would like library staff to stage this type of event for your students.

King Classic Golf Tournament

A great time was had by all at the first of what will become an annual golf tournament for King staff. Congratulations to the winning team of Justin Boudreau, David Connelly, Kevin Kennedy, and David Sernick!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Is Here!

Not that we could tell with all the rain! Luckily campus summer events are unaffected by the weather: camp is in full swing, the flowers are in full bloom, and the fun goes on! Continue reading to see what's hot and happening.

Eaton Hall Lunches Are Back!

A la carte menu every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from noon to 2:00 p.m. To make your reservations call Amy at 905 833 4500 ex. 231 or Sally at ex. 234.

The President's BBQ Lunch

Seneca's new president is throwing a BBQ lunch for King Campus employees on Wednesday, August 12th. Come say hello to David Agnew, enjoy some great food, and socialize with colleagues. Please RSVP to the e-vite.

Date: Wednesday, August 12
12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Location: Kingdome, Pod B

Summer Reading Picks

In the mood for some literary drama and intrigue? Then curl up with Julie Cain's summer reading picks.

Look For Me by Edeet Ravel
House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dubus III
The Red Tent by Anita Diamant
The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Students are graduating, faculty and staff are retiring, slow summer days are here. As we near the end of convocation week, an exciting time on campus, we are entering a period of transition. Read on to see what's hot and happening.

Employee BBQ

The annual employee BBQ took place on Monday, June 8 2009 at Rec Island. Although it was a rainy day, the food was delicious, the games were fun, and the company was fantastic. Thank you to all who helped organize this fun-filled day.

SeneACTION Walking Clubs

Enjoy the warm weather while getting exercise by joining a SeneACTION walking club. Walking clubs at King Campus are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon.

Can’t fit the walks in when scheduled? Join the SeneACTION community and find a colleague who’s schedule matches yours.

To join SeneACTION or for more information, contact Susan Ludwig in the Centre for Faculty and Staff Development.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mary Ellen Clare's Retirement Party

An Open House will be held in the King Campus Admin Office in honour of Mary Ellen's retirement. Please join us Monday, June 29, at 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Professor David Model's Spring Reads

In case you missed the lively discussion generated by our last spring reading recommendations, you can find it here. For this issue of the King Campus News Blog we invited professor David Model to make reading recommendations. His selections can either be found in the King Library or through the library website.

Time online
Maclean's print online
Newsweek print online
The Walrus print
Mother Jones online
Harper's online

Publication Alerts

Did you know that you can set up an e-mail alert to notify you when the latest issue of your favourite publication has been added to a database?

To figure out if Seneca Libraries subscribe to a publication and which database it can be accessed through, first search the journal title finder. Once you have identified the database, follow the instructions located here. Instructions are straight-forward and usually consist of only a few short steps.

For more information about setting up alerts come visit us in the King library or contact Manda Plavsa.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


It feels like summer! With beautiful weather finally upon us, read what's new at King campus.

Barbara Muir on Oprah

Barbara Muir's interview with Oprah airs Thursday, May 21 at 4:00 p.m. on CTV

National Nursing Week May 11-17, 2009

National Nursing Week is an opportunity to show appreciation for the vital role nursing plays in the health system and in the life of every Canadian. In honour of this event, cake and coffee were served in the boardroom last Monday. Thank you for being caring nursing faculty and students!

Seneca Student Federation

The SSF welcomes new members. Shown at their first event, Ice Cream Giveaway Day, are: (L - R) Lourdes, Elaine, Sapir, and Aren.

Spring Reading Recommendations Continue...

with Autumn Piette! She likes to relax with magazines from the King library's periodicals section. Autumn's selections include:

Rolling Stone
O: The Oprah Magazine
Martha Stewart Living
Canadian Living

Magazines are available for 1 week loan periods. Come and check out our collection today!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May News

Need flowers for Mother's day? Want to get in touch with your creative side? Looking for great spring reads? With the new term days away and beautiful weather upon us, King Campus is happily abuzz with activity. Read on!

Hanging baskets on sale at the EVLC

EVLC will be selling New Guinea Impatiens Hanging Baskets this Friday May 8th at the Greenhouse. They make a lovely Mothers' Day gift!!!

11am to 2pm
Price is $8 each or 2 for $15.
Colours available Red, Salmon, Purple and White.

If you have any questions please e-mail Jane Davey or Brian Speers

Barbara Muir on Oprah!

Canadian portrait artist, Seneca faculty member, and blogger Barbara Muir is being interviewed by Oprah! Barbara has recently received media attention for creating drawings using Skype. Her unique use of the communication software caught the attention of Oprah who will be interviewing Barbara via Skype for her show. The interview is taking place today but we're not yet sure when it will be aired. Watch this space for an update. To view Barbara's blog, go to: http://barbaramuir.blogspot.com/

Congrats Barbara! We look forward to seeing you on Oprah.

King Artisan Centre Workshops

King campus is hosting a series of 5-day Artisan workshops this summer. Topics include: jewellery-making, painting, photography, stained glass, and more! Sign up and explore your creativity. For more information visit: https://www.senecac.on.ca/parttime/programs/kingartisan.html or call Lisa Harfield at 416-491-5050 ext. 5474.

Spring Reading Recommendations

Librarian Kathryn Klages' picks are graphic novels. This increasingly popular genre features complex story-lines accompanied by vivid illustrations.

Skim by Mariko Tamaki, illustrated by Jillian Tamaki
Pride of Baghdad by Brian K. Vaughan, illustrated by Niko Henrichon
Jamilti and Other Stories by Rutu Modan

Come by the library to borrow these titles or browse our fiction shelves. Watch this space as we continue to feature reading recommendations from library staff throughout the summer semester.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Changing semesters, changing seasons...

It's a quiet week here at King campus as we transition from the Winter to Spring term but there are plenty of exciting things happening. Read on!

Last call to purchase tickets for the Nursing raffle!

The Nursing faculty are holding a raffle on April 30, 2009. Please
purchase your tickets from Darlene Cox in the Administration Office.
They are $5 each or 3 for $10.

Prize #1 Tassimo Gift Basket
Prize #2 Relaxation Gift Basket
Prize #3 Wine Gift Set

Winners need not be present to win.

Wildlife at King

Look up, WAY UP! Our resident ospreys Ernest and Ruby have once again made the arduous journey from the south back to King Campus. Their little heads can be seen peaking out of their nest high above the student parking lot and yesterday they were very active with dragging sticks into the nest and fishing in the channel.

Also back in town are our wild pair of Trumpeter Swans seen circling the lake yesterday to finally rest in the lagoon. Keep watch for future cygnets!

These beautiful images were captured by library staff member and photographer extraordinaire, Lisa Hurst-Rykhoff.

King Campus Clean-Up

On April 13th student volunteers in the Exploring Environmental
Relationships course came out to help clean-up the campus, particularly the wetlands where garbage accumulation over the winter can pose a dangerous threat to young waterfowl. Students found empty antifreeze jugs, plastic bags, lighters, cell phones, cans, water bottles and construction material in the wetlands, enough to fill 11 garbage bags. Thanks to the students of EVLC, Recreation, GCT, Nursing and General Arts & Sciences for all their help.

King Library Staff tie for first place in the 2009 Canucks Run Amok Challenge!

King Library staff tied for first place with Westmount Public Library's team in the race across Canada. It took the King Superstars just under five weeks to beat the other 31 teams and cover the distance between St. John's and Vancouver. Congratulations Superstars!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

King Thinks Green

Environmentalists and athletes alike, King staff and students think green and stay active. Read on to learn more about upcoming environmental initiatives, events, and how you can get involved.

Sustainability Expo

Monday, April 6 - Sustainability Expo: As part of the Research @ Seneca event, students from NAT111 - Exploring Environmental Relationships - will be holding a poster session geared towards research around sustainability. Students will be in Pod C from 8:15-10:40 and from 12:35-3:15 to greet visitors to the expo and to answer questions about their applied research projects. All staff, faculty and students are welcome to drop by. From 11:00-12:30 speakers will be talking about research opportunities at Seneca and Carmen Schlamb will be presenting her research project "Everybody Counts! Students as Citizen Scientists" presented at the 2008 AASHE (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education) conference in Raleigh, NC.

Campus Spring Cleaning - April 8

Wednesday, April 8 - Campus Spring Clean Day, 9:00-3:00:
All staff, faculty and students are invited to participate in the campus clean-up day for the environment. We need a lot of volunteers to help walk the trails and remove the garbage that has accumulated over the winter. Please come by the Garriock foyer on the day of the event to collect your gloves, garbage bags and map route.