Friday, April 25, 2008

Another academic year draws to a close.

The exams are done, the students are dispersing and summer projects are beginning. While some are polishing their golf clubs, others are planning classes for the spring & summer sessions. Things may get a little quieter on campus now but there are still lots of activities and we will keep you up to date. Remember to send us your news and events and we'll let the campus know.

Earth Day Earth Night

Saturday April 26th marks the King Campus Earth Day/Earth Night celebration. 2:30pm to 9:30pm with interpretative canoe paddles, hikes, horse logging, camp fires, star discovery and lots more. Hope to see you there.

Clubs & Associations Year End Appreciation Banquet

The Seneca Clubs & Associations year end appreciation banquet was held in March at the Senecentre. Representing one of the winning clubs from King were Ingrid Rijo and Heather Keron, executives of Hope's Angels. The club did significant fund raising for the less fortunate last fall. The other winning club from King was the Vet Tech Club.

Welcome Deanne

Deanne Parsons has joined the King Admin group. Deanne will be providing administrative support services to Academic Chairs for the EVLC, GCTC, RFMC/RLSC, and VTE programs. Please be sure to say hello the next time you are in the office.

Signs of Spring

Look up in the's a bird...yes, it's a big bird! The osprey is back at Seneca. Building its nest on the light standard on the student parking lot and soaring overhead. Thanks to Lisa Hurst-Rykhoff in the library for these amazing photos.

Seneca Employee Picnic May 26th

Mark your calendar for this year's picnic event. Watch MySeneca News for details and updates.

Test Centre Summer Hours

The King Campus Test Centre will continue to provide test and exam invigilation service during the summer semester for students with registered academic accommodations and students permitted to write make-up tests. Effective Monday, May 5, this service will be offered *Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m*. If you require service on a Tuesday or Friday, special arrangements can be made, provided the Test Centre is given ten days’ advance notice. During exam week days of operation will be Monday to Friday. For more info contact Sandra Masci at ext. 5114.