Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Welcome to 2008 and a new semester. Things are already in full swing at the King students, new classes and lots of fun stuff!

Read on to find out all the news, and remember if you have news you would like to share, please let us know by emailing:

King Campus Recreation Council wins award

The Excellence in Seneca Awards recognize Seneca students, employees and board/committee volunteers that have made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the College in the areas of service, leadership, collaboration and innovation. Congratulations to the King Campus Recreation Council who won the Student Leadership Award. Well done team!

Library welcomes new Librarian

The King Library is happy to welcome Chantale Boileau to the position of Information Services Librarian. Chantale will be the liaison librarian for Business, ECE, and Recreation. Please drop in and say hello.
Chantale can be reached at ext. 5106 or via email at

New Library Display Cabinet

Next time you are standing in line at Tim Horton's check out the new display cabinet on the wall. Watch for interesting and fun displays from your library staff. The current display is all about enjoying winter (if the cold weather and snow come back....)

40th Anniversary Gala

To celebrate Seneca's 40th Anniversary a Gala has been planned for Saturday, March 29, 2008. Join your fellow Senecans for a Gala dinner and dance event at the Premiere Ballroom and Convention Centre in Richmond Hill. Tickets are $40 per person and must be purchased by February 29th. For more info call ext. 4010 or email

Holiday potluck a success!

Once again great food, friends and entertainment marked the King Holiday potluck. Thank you to those brave enough to perform, and a big thank you to Tina for accepting the challenge and providing us with a succulent and delicious turkey!