Monday, November 17, 2008

More news, more activities

Poinsettias, potlucks, and holiday entertainment...and don't forget to pick up your ticket to One Book, One Campus with Vincent Lam! It's all here at the King Campus.

Piano Concert

ELS Faculty, Kathy Kells, will be giving a short piano concert on November 20th from 12:30pm until 1:15pm in Pod C. Kathy will be tickling the ivories and playing classical and popular favourites.

One Book One Campus Nov. 24th

Monday, November 24th at 12:35pm, Giller prize winning author Vincent Lam will be reading from his work. Free pizza (courtesy of Rec Council) for all who attend. Admission is free but a ticket is required. Tickets available in the King Library. Bring your class for a once in a lifetime experience!

We Remembered

Thanks to the Seneca Student Federation for the lovely Remembrance Day ceremony last week. The event was emceed by student Andria Decarolis and the piper was Katherine McManus from Aurora.

EVLC Poinsettia Sale

The EVLC group will be selling beautiful red, burgundy, white, and pink poinsettias. The sale is Wednesday December 3rd in the Greenhouse. Price is $15 each (cash only and exact change please!). All proceeds will help fund future EVLC initiatives.

Holiday Potluck & Entertainment Extravaganza

The annual King Campus holiday potluck lunch will be held Monday, December 15th in Pod C. Along with delicious food will be the annual department entertainment. We are sure that all departments are busy planning their entertainment...if you haven't participated before maybe this will be your year!

Holiday Giving

The King Campus will once again be sponsoring a needy family in York Region through the Salvation Army. Details of our family are coming this space!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Holocaust Education Week November 2 - 9

Seneca King is taking part in the Holocaust Education Week with an information session scheduled for Thursday, November 6th at 1:00 pm in Pod C. The speaker will be Paula David and the title of her presentation is AGING HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS: The Legacy and the Lessons. For more information please contact David Sernick at 5273.

Vet Tech Club Holding 2nd Annual Groom-a-thon

The students of the Vet Tech Club are holding a GROOM-A-THON this Saturday Nov. 8th from 10am - 5 pm.
Dogs and cats are welcome to sign up for a complete bath , nail trim , ear cleaning and clipping.
Pet must have a current vaccination record.
This event is by donation and all funds raised go towards enriching the quality of life for all the animals used in the Veterinary Technology program at the college.
If interested please email: to book an appointment.

Remembrance Day 2008

On Remembrance Day, Tuesday, November 11th, we will be conducting a very brief ceremony at the flagpole in front of Garriock Hall. Any and all students, staff , faculty and admin are invited to share in a moment to those who made the ultimate sacrifice. We would like to get started a few minutes before 11:00 so that at the appropriate time there will be a minute of silence. In the event of nasty weather we will retreat to the Kingdome.

The portables are here

The portables from the York Catholic District School Board arrived over the past weekend. Occupancy is slated for January 2009.

Golf Course Technician update

The golf course technician students received some industry specific tools earlier this year. Kubota donated 5 small compact 2 cylinder diesel engines for the students to use and service.

Bernhard Dual Express supplied the college with 2 pieces of equipment that are used to sharpen the reel mowers used at all golf courses.

Both of these suppliers are essential for the success of our students as they move into the working world.

King Admin rocks Hallowe'en!

Father Phil and the Sisters of Administrative Mercy brought Hallowe'en to the King Campus in a big way. The King Admin group donned themed costumes and brought some spirit to the campus. They were also the winners of the annual pumpkin carving contest with this amazing pumpkin! Well done!

Friday, October 17, 2008

It's been a long time...

...but we're finally back with the King Campus News. What a busy semester start -up! The campus is packed with students and we all seem to have hit the ground running at top speed! But the King campus is still the place to be. Lots of activities, lots of on to find out what's happening.

King Day Camp Family Fallfest

Saturday October 25th 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm. Join the King Day Camp staff team on McCutcheon Island and celebrate fall at King! Games, crafts, canoe rides, wall climbing, tractor rides, haunted house, barn maze, pumpkin carving, pony rides and more. Cost: $10 per family (includes pumpkin). RSVP Bring a picnic lunch, a donation to the food bank and wear your best costume.

What are those diggers doing?

You may have noticed the diggers moving earth beside the student parking lot (across from the residence). They are preparing the ground for the portables that we are getting from the York Catholic District School Board. The YCDSB is donating the portables to us and will be using the rooms for an early leavers program. We get to use the classrooms the rest of the time. (You may remember Tina mentioned this at the Welcome Back meeting in August...this is a new location, closer to Garriock Hall and important things like washrooms and Tim Horton's!)

One Book, One Campus 2008

Giller prize winning author Vincent Lam is coming to King Campus. Mark your calendars for Monday, November 24th at 12:35pm. Dr. Lam will be reading from his book Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures and answering your questions. There will be door prizes and more! Bring your class or just bring yourself. Please contact Cynthia Mckeich for more information.

Pumpkin Carving is Coming

It's that time of year again. King Administration is sponsoring a pumpkin carving contest for interested departments and faculties. Sharpen your carving knives and put on your gruesomely creative hats to stun and amaze your colleagues with your creations. Watch for your pumpkin the week after Study Week.

Extended Library Hours

The King Library will be extending their evening hours until 7:00 pm Monday to Thursday starting Monday, October 27th. The library will continue to close at 5:00 pm on Fridays (and remember they open at 7:30am Monday to Friday).

Friday, April 25, 2008

Another academic year draws to a close.

The exams are done, the students are dispersing and summer projects are beginning. While some are polishing their golf clubs, others are planning classes for the spring & summer sessions. Things may get a little quieter on campus now but there are still lots of activities and we will keep you up to date. Remember to send us your news and events and we'll let the campus know.

Earth Day Earth Night

Saturday April 26th marks the King Campus Earth Day/Earth Night celebration. 2:30pm to 9:30pm with interpretative canoe paddles, hikes, horse logging, camp fires, star discovery and lots more. Hope to see you there.

Clubs & Associations Year End Appreciation Banquet

The Seneca Clubs & Associations year end appreciation banquet was held in March at the Senecentre. Representing one of the winning clubs from King were Ingrid Rijo and Heather Keron, executives of Hope's Angels. The club did significant fund raising for the less fortunate last fall. The other winning club from King was the Vet Tech Club.

Welcome Deanne

Deanne Parsons has joined the King Admin group. Deanne will be providing administrative support services to Academic Chairs for the EVLC, GCTC, RFMC/RLSC, and VTE programs. Please be sure to say hello the next time you are in the office.

Signs of Spring

Look up in the's a bird...yes, it's a big bird! The osprey is back at Seneca. Building its nest on the light standard on the student parking lot and soaring overhead. Thanks to Lisa Hurst-Rykhoff in the library for these amazing photos.

Seneca Employee Picnic May 26th

Mark your calendar for this year's picnic event. Watch MySeneca News for details and updates.

Test Centre Summer Hours

The King Campus Test Centre will continue to provide test and exam invigilation service during the summer semester for students with registered academic accommodations and students permitted to write make-up tests. Effective Monday, May 5, this service will be offered *Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m*. If you require service on a Tuesday or Friday, special arrangements can be made, provided the Test Centre is given ten days’ advance notice. During exam week days of operation will be Monday to Friday. For more info contact Sandra Masci at ext. 5114.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Congratulations Howard!

English and Liberal Studies faculty member Howard Doughty reached number one on the faculty seniority list! King ELS faculty honoured Howard with a cake to celebrate.

Bowl for Kids Sake 2008

A great big congratulations and thank you to all of the Seneca Team Bowlers. Not only did they have an amazing time, but they managed to beat the funds raised last year! The team raised $1,769.22 toward the grand total of $22,548.44. Way to go team!

Comfy Chairs in the Library

The Library conducted an online survey (LibQUAL) and asked for student, faculty and staff feedback on our services, collections, and space. One of the big concerns regarding the King Library was the lack of seating for students. You told us and we listened! Drop in the library and check out the comfy couches and chairs. This is the first step of many that the Library will be undertaking based on your feedback. Drop in and visit've got a place to sit now!

Pennies for Preemies

Pennies for Preemies is a fundraiser that student Jennifer Pelluzzo started that raises money for The Linden Fund. The fund raises money for neonatal intensive care units all across Ontario by purchasing equipment and tools to assist parents in teaching how to care for their infant child, and resources for the nurses who work so hard to help these little miracles survive. Jennifer started the Pennies for Preemies drive just by putting little containers in the cafeteria, bookstore, and at Tim Hortons so that people could drop their pennies into it and donate to the charity. People were very generous and started to donate all their change. The support grew even larger when all Seneca Campuses joined in the fundraiser and raised money at their campus as well. The Pennies for Preemies fund raised $611.

If you build it....

Have you looked over the river and beyond the woods lately? The new building on Rec Island is coming along nicely. Rec Island staff are looking forward to getting out of their temporary trailer home and into their new home by May 1st of this year.

Under Repair

The gym floor at King suffered water damage during our last big snowstorm (storm #65 this year I think, but who's counting!) The wood floor warped and buckled and is now in the process of being repaired. Fingers crossed for the April 7th gym re-opening date.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Welcome to the last half of the semester!

That's right, there are only 6 weeks left in this winter semester. Winter is still hanging on with cold temperatures and snow, but there has been lots of sunshine and the days are longer. Spring officially arrives this month and daylight saving time kicks in on March 9th (don't forget to turn your clocks ahead!) There's lots of news as usual, including a new baby, an update on the blood donor challenge, some new library displays, and an eco-challenge. So read on!

Jina had her baby!

Jina Paima in Admin. welcomed her new baby boy, Kaihan, on Tuesday, February 5th at 4:44pm. Kaihan weighed 8 lbs, 5 oz. and is a cutey! Congratulations Jina!

Academic Honesty, Plagiarism and Turnitin

Do your students understand what plagiarism, academic honesty and Turnitin are all about? Have you been looking for resources that would help explain all of these to your students? Look no further! Seneca Libraries web site has a number of excellent Academic Honesty Resources for Faculty Have more questions? Contact Carmen Genuardi in the library.

Eco-Challenge: Turn Off the Lights for the Earth

Saturday, March 29th from 8pm to 9pm is EARTH HOUR. At 8pm on March 29th millions of people in some of the world's major capital cities, including Copenhagen, Toronto, Chicago, Melbourne, and Tel Aviv will unite and switch off their lights for Earth Hour. This simple act was created to take a stand against global warming. Do your part....shut down for one hour on Saturday, March 29th. Visit to find out more.

Blood Donor Clinic Update

The blood donor clinic held on Feb. 13th was very successful. A total of 67 students, staff and faculty attended the clinic. The winner of the departmental challenge was the Administration department! Congrats to the Admin folks for proving that it was "in them to give".

Mind Body Soul

Check out the library display in the hall outside Tim Horton's to get some ideas on creating a whole new you. Look after your mind, body and soul and get set for Spring!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Blue, green & grey...the colours of the future...of recycling that is!

The boxes are, green and grey! Dotting the hallways and lunch pods are the new recycling centres that are designed to maximize our ability to recycle on campus. More items are being recycled than ever before and you can check out a guide at:

Library heads to the Animal Health Facility

The King Library has started its "remote reference" service at the Animal Health Facility again this semester. In an effort to "go where the students are" library staff visit the Vet Tech building and bring journals and books of interest to the students. Last week Vet Tech faculty and students were treated to Dance Dance Revolution, the "feet-on" dance mats that the library uses for outreach. If you would like library reference at your remote location for your students please contact Cynthia Mckeich.

Give the gift of life

There will be a Blood Donor Clinic on Wednesday February 13th from 10:00am to 2:00pm in Pod A.

Farewell to Kaaren Bell

A lovely farewell party was held for retiring Counsellor Kaaren Bell in Pod C on January 29th. Kaaren will be missed by many folks at King and we wish her health and happiness in the days to come.

Seneca Libraries join provincial virtual reference initiative

Seneca Libraries are proud to be part of the new provincial virtual reference project askON. By simply clicking on the askON logo from the library homepage you can immediately chat with skilled askON library staff located across the province. askON can help find answers to quick questions and assist with more complicated research needs. Seneca Libraries is partnering with Algonquin, George Brown and Mohawk Colleges, and Lakehead, Ryerson and York Universities to offer the service. So go ahead...ask on!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Welcome to 2008 and a new semester. Things are already in full swing at the King students, new classes and lots of fun stuff!

Read on to find out all the news, and remember if you have news you would like to share, please let us know by emailing:

King Campus Recreation Council wins award

The Excellence in Seneca Awards recognize Seneca students, employees and board/committee volunteers that have made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the College in the areas of service, leadership, collaboration and innovation. Congratulations to the King Campus Recreation Council who won the Student Leadership Award. Well done team!

Library welcomes new Librarian

The King Library is happy to welcome Chantale Boileau to the position of Information Services Librarian. Chantale will be the liaison librarian for Business, ECE, and Recreation. Please drop in and say hello.
Chantale can be reached at ext. 5106 or via email at

New Library Display Cabinet

Next time you are standing in line at Tim Horton's check out the new display cabinet on the wall. Watch for interesting and fun displays from your library staff. The current display is all about enjoying winter (if the cold weather and snow come back....)

40th Anniversary Gala

To celebrate Seneca's 40th Anniversary a Gala has been planned for Saturday, March 29, 2008. Join your fellow Senecans for a Gala dinner and dance event at the Premiere Ballroom and Convention Centre in Richmond Hill. Tickets are $40 per person and must be purchased by February 29th. For more info call ext. 4010 or email

Holiday potluck a success!

Once again great food, friends and entertainment marked the King Holiday potluck. Thank you to those brave enough to perform, and a big thank you to Tina for accepting the challenge and providing us with a succulent and delicious turkey!