Monday, October 15, 2007

Faculty & Staff Pub Thursday October 18th

Congratulations on surviving another semester startup! Please mark your calendars on October 18th for our annual fall staff and faculty pub. This year we'd like to change the venue to Pod B. Draft beer, wine and soft drinks will be available. Be there between 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Some of us will attempt to play euchre. Some will just want to stop by and say hello. Whatever suits you, suits us. Let Mary-Ellen know if you plan to attend so that she can order in the wings and pizza.

Hey! Where's my garbage can??

Wondering what happened to all the garbage cans on campus? Check out this NOTICE from Facilities Management as it gives you the low down on the trash can mystery.

King Environment Week

Mark your calendars for the King Campus Environment Week. From Monday, October 29th to Friday, November 2nd there will be lots of activities on campus. Read below for a day to day calendar of activities.

Monday, Oct. 29th: KEG info sessions not that kind of keg! KEG (King Environment Group) will be holding information sessions for students in Room 6 in the Library at 1:30pm and 2:25pm. They will be repeating the sessions on Thursday, Nov. 1st at 2:25pm and 3:20pm (also in Room 6 in the Library).

Tuesday, Oct. 30th: The Climate Project on campus

Al Gore's big green environmental machine, The Climate Project, is coming to King. Anne Parker of the Canadian Climate Project will present a 45 minute look at global warming. Pod C: 12:35pm and again at 5:00pm.

Wed. Oct. 31st. Permeable what?!

Pavement! Everything you ever wanted to know about permeable pavement. Pod C, 12:35pm to 1:35pm. The Toronto Region Conservation Authority will be on campus to talk about the internationally recognized success story of the permeable pavement project on campus.

Thursday, Nov. 1st. Tree Planting

10:00am to 3:15pm. All students, staff and Faculty are invited to plant a tree as part of King's efforts to restore natural cover in the west campus area.

Friday, Nov. 2nd 12:35 pm Lunch Hike

Meet at Recreation Island. Join Barb Weeden-Carmichael for a 40 minute hike on the King Trail leading to Eaton Hall.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Are you enjoying the balmy weather of October? Thinking of hitting the golf course or going for a long walk in your shorts and sandals before turkey dinner? Here's hoping that everyone at our beautiful King Campus has a fabulous long weekend!


The SMILE (Student Mentoring in Life and Education) Program is now at the King Campus. New students in SSW, PND and EVLC have access to SMILE mentors who are senior students with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. SMILE is also looking to start in the King ECE program in January 2008.

The SMILE office is located in Student Services on selected days.

For more information please visit the SMILE website or email Alecia Swaby.

Infocaster Guidelines

Want to post something on the new tv's around campus? Here's some more information on what you need to know about the system and how to go about posting:

Notices which affect student welfare, finances or academic status take priority.

Each posting should include a stop and start date and should be concise.

Two days notice is required before posting.

Consider realistic lead times for your posting to reduce clutter.

Pictures and other attachments must be in jpeg format and scaled down to no more than 800 X 600 pixels.

Mary-Ellen Clare will make any final decision on posting status or suitability.

One Book, One Campus

It's coming! Don't miss Drew Hayden Taylor on Thursday, November 8th at 12:30 in Pod C. Want to know more? Ask Cynthia Mckeich.

Sexual Health Clinic

ORT/ORTC program reunion

The ORT/ORTC 30 year program reunion and a retirement celebration for Clare Magee were held on Sept. 29 at Rec. Island. From left to right - Bryan Blain, Barb Weeden-Carmichael and Clare Magee.

Rec Island News

There has been lots of activity down on the Island in the past few weeks. Students from the Humber College Recreation and Leisure program participated in a 3 day, 2 night outdoor recreation experience.

Students from the EVLC program visited Rec. Island for a 2 day program to take part in some environmental sampling and data collection.

RLS students enjoyed the sunny weather while being taught how to canoe.