Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Lots happening around campus...

Tons of news and events to pass on this week. There are six articles in this issue, make sure you scroll down and read them all...you wouldn't want to miss out on a special event!

Exciting e-classroom news!

Do you teach in room 117, 118, 110, 217, or 221? Have you noticed the fancy new "document cameras"? These are state of the art overhead projectors that are attached to the electronic podium! Want some help learning how to use them? Please come to the library and ask Ken or Brian for some instruction.

Jack and Clare's Excellent Adventure

You are invited to a double-bill retirement party! Please join us for a very informal gathering to celebrate Jack Seigel and Clare Magee.
Date: Wednesday, September 26th.

Time: 3:30 to 6:00 p.m.

Place: The Pavilion at Recreation Island

(There will be lots to eat and a cash bar)

Dress Code: No fur coats, snow shoes optional

Please RSVP to Stu Koch (x 5302), John Struthers (x5002), or Phil Webster (x 5010).

Weight Watchers @ Work

Want to join Weight Watchers at Work? We need 10 people to start up. Contact Diane at ext. 5009 or by email.

Blood Typing and Blood Donor Clinics @ King

What’s your type? Find out quickly and easily at the Blood Typing Clinic: Thursday, September 27th 11am to 2:00pm in POD A. Then participate in the…

Blood Donor Clinic, Tuesday October 2nd, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm in POD A.

Give the gift of life….give blood.

Lots of new books in the King Library

Want to see all of the new books that the King Library has received from March to September 2007? Check out this LIST by program area.

Recreation News

We have a brand new fitness facility! Check it out in the gym and get some instruction on the new fitness equipment. There are Fitness Supervisors on duty Monday to Friday at various times. Contact Jill Robertson for details.
Other great Rec events: Beach volleyball every Monday 5 to 6 pm at Rec Island. Pilates classes started Sept. 18th at 11:40am in the gym. (4 week session only $10). CRE8 Challenge Sept. 17-21 sign up in Room 104.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Seneca's 40th Anniversary

The kick-off for a year of celebrations for Seneca's 40th Anniversary took place on Thursday, September 6th in the main lobby of Garriock Hall. Senior Vice-President Cindy Hazell emceed the event with special guest speakers who included former Seneca President Roy McCutcheon and King Mayor Margaret Black.
A ceremonial red ribbon cutting and symbolic "open" doors were part of the ceremony.
Look for more special "40th" events throughout the year.

Successful Frosh Day

Nycole & Tania
Mary-Ellen Clare
Tina Frosh Day bloomed hot and sunny on Thursday, September 6th. Recreation Island was once again the site for music, barbecued food and fresh hot corn on the cob.

Thanks to the wonderful faculty and staff at King Campus who valiantly braved the heat and smoke of the BBQ to serve burgers and dogs to the hungry hordes! Congratulations to the King SSF and Recreation Council for another successful event.

Introducing your A/V guys!

Ken & BrianMemorize these faces! If you teach in an electronic classroom, need help with any audio/visual equipment, need to book a DVD or video, or want help video editing, then these are your guys!

Ken Wu is the full-time audio/visual technician in the library, and Brian Da Silva is the part-time technician. Always ready with a smile and invaluable technical advice, they are here to make your classes run smoothly.

Both Ken and Brian can be reached at ext. 5110 or at the audio/visual desk within the library.

Book your research class

Did you know that King librarians are happy to come into your classroom to provide in-class instruction on research skills, plagiarism and citation? We are available to provide support for your courses and are happy to come in for one session or multiple smaller sessions in order to best meet your needs.

Please contact Cynthia McKeich or Carmen Genuardi for more information.

One Book, One Campus

Drew Hayden TaylorThe sixth annual One Book, One Campus event is scheduled to take place on Thursday, November 8th, at 12:30pm in Pod C. This year's author is native writer, playwright, actor and comedian, Drew Hayden Taylor. This promises to be a great event, so English professors, plan on bringing your classes. (If you use the text Readers Choice, one of the essays included is by Drew.) Introduce your students to the wonderful experience of an author reading!

All students, faculty and staff are encouraged and welcome to attend. Look for posters around campus, and more info in this blog over the next few weeks. It's free and it will be fun!