Friday, August 31, 2007

Welcome to a new semester

Welcome back to all faculty and staff who have been on summer vacation. With classes starting everyone will be busy pulling together last minute projects, tweaking assignments and getting organized. The library is full of new books and videos and as always, librarians are available for classroom instruction.

Read on to find out about what people at King have been up to. If you have been off for the summer, check out the archives of the King Campus News to find out what you missed. Please contact us at if you have any news or events you would like to share.

Library Manual for Faculty

The King Library has created a guide for Faculty to our library services. To find out about King Library services, just follow this LINK.

Frosh Day

The annual Frosh Day activities will be held on Thursday September 6th hosted by the Recreation Council and King SSF. As in past years first year students are invited to the gym for 10:30 a.m. to participate in icebreakers. They will then meet at Recreation Island at noon for a BBQ and afternoon activities. Returning students are invited to the BBQ and activities.

Dance Dance Revolution in the Library!

Do you wanna dance?! Come to the library during the week of September 4th to test your skills on the DDR mats. You can challenge a colleague, or just show off your nimble footwork! Have some fun and meet your library staff.


You may have noticed the new televisions around King Campus. The televisions will provide important community information including scheduling updates, special announcements and event information. If you have information to share with the entire King Campus via this medium, please contact Mary-Ellen Clare.

Missing Link Golf Tournament

King Campus was represented by two teams at Seneca's Missing Link Golf Tournament. Cynthia McKeich and Dave Geddes made us proud by winning the female and male "Closest to the Keg" contest. The tournament, which was held at the Maples of Ballantrae Golf Course, raised funds for the Seneca Food Bank. Despite grey skies and cool weather, great fun was had by all! We hope to see even more King golfers out next year.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Only a few weeks of summer left...

Summer is rapidly winding down and in two weeks, most of us will be back preparing for the flurry of activity that is September. These next few weeks are the proverbial "calm before the storm" so take this opportunity to rest up and prepare for the buzz. We are beginning a series of blog entries focusing on the programs here at King, starting with 911 and Emergency Services Communications. Keep reading for more King Campus news and the last of the library's reading recommendations.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

August 27th Welcome Back Meeting

We look forward to seeing all full-time faculty and any interested support staff on August 27th at 9:30 in Pod C. The meeting will be followed by a BBQ for all.

Spotlight On 911 and Emergency Services Communications

September 2007 marks the third year that King Campus has been training emergency communications operators through the 911 and Emergency Services Communications program. Students spend two semesters preparing for careers with Police, Fire and Ambulance communication centres, private security companies, private policing, hospital switchboards, and Language Line services. The program was developed in collaboration with potential employers based on the needs of the profession and developing the "perfect employee candidate." Graduates from this program have obtained positions with organization such as York Regional Police, Thunder Bay OPP, Waterloo Region Police and On Star. Seneca grads have a high retention rate due to the skills they learn through the program. This program was featured in the latest edition of the Senecan. For more information contact Nycole Harding, program coordinator.

People News

Well, it has been an exciting summer over at Rec Island. In addition to the influx of young campers, the Recreation Team have been blessed with some new family members. Kevin French and his family welcomed Regan Elizabeth in June, a lovely little sister for Taylor. Greg Hupponen has a new son, Lucas Stewart, born in July, a welcome little brother for Olivia. All babies are happy and well and the families are doing great.

ADM Dragon Boat Race comes to King Campus on August 18

The 4th Annual United Way York Region ADM Dragon Boat Race is coming to Rec Island on August 18th. The King Day Camp has entered as the Paddlin Pals. They are defending the Spirit Award, which they have won the past two years in a row, and have their sights set on First Place overall. Please come to cheer for the Paddlin Pals as they compete with over 30 other teams.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Julie's Summer Reading Picks

Julie Cain-Kostic has selected a variety of Canadian literature to round out your summer reading list. Drop by the library to pick up a copy!

Birth House by Ami Mckay
The Hidden Life of Humans by Erika Ritter
Lives of the Saints by Nino Ricci
Mister Sandman by Barbara Gowdy