Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Welcome to the King Campus News!

The King Campus News is a project that the King Campus Library is undertaking to contribute to and enhance the community at Seneca's King Campus. This is a place for us to share news of people, events and happenings in and around the King Campus. Of course, we will keep you up to date with library news and we welcome submissions of all things King-related. Let us know what you think by adding comments to our articles and by email kingblog@senecac.on.ca.

We have new books!

King library has new books. Please check out http://library.senecacollege.ca/New_Books/king.html to browse through the new books in your area. Just a reminder that if you require books, journals or DVD's for your courses please feel free to contact one of the librarians with your request. Cynthia McKeich, Carmen Genuardi and Caroline Stewart will be happy to assist you.

Mark your calendar Kingfest is coming...

Kingfest is coming to King campus on June 23 & 24, 2007. Mark your calenders as this fundraising folk festival promises to be a great event, performers include Bruce Cockburn, Prairie Oyster and Mike Stevens. Seneca employees and students will receive a special early bird rate of $35 for the weekend pass. If you would like to volunteer or just want more information please contact Barb Weeden-Carmichael. For more information on the festival check out the Kingfest website http://www.kingfestmusic.com/

Calling all potluckers

As per the announcement at the last holiday pot luck lunch, we are asking everyone to submit a recipe that we can put together in a book. The recipe book will be sold and all profits will go to a community charity. Please forward to Mary-Ellen Clare.