Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Congratulations Howard!

English and Liberal Studies faculty member Howard Doughty reached number one on the faculty seniority list! King ELS faculty honoured Howard with a cake to celebrate.

Bowl for Kids Sake 2008

A great big congratulations and thank you to all of the Seneca Team Bowlers. Not only did they have an amazing time, but they managed to beat the funds raised last year! The team raised $1,769.22 toward the grand total of $22,548.44. Way to go team!

Comfy Chairs in the Library

The Library conducted an online survey (LibQUAL) and asked for student, faculty and staff feedback on our services, collections, and space. One of the big concerns regarding the King Library was the lack of seating for students. You told us and we listened! Drop in the library and check out the comfy couches and chairs. This is the first step of many that the Library will be undertaking based on your feedback. Drop in and visit awhile...you've got a place to sit now!

Pennies for Preemies

Pennies for Preemies is a fundraiser that student Jennifer Pelluzzo started that raises money for The Linden Fund. The fund raises money for neonatal intensive care units all across Ontario by purchasing equipment and tools to assist parents in teaching how to care for their infant child, and resources for the nurses who work so hard to help these little miracles survive. Jennifer started the Pennies for Preemies drive just by putting little containers in the cafeteria, bookstore, and at Tim Hortons so that people could drop their pennies into it and donate to the charity. People were very generous and started to donate all their change. The support grew even larger when all Seneca Campuses joined in the fundraiser and raised money at their campus as well. The Pennies for Preemies fund raised $611.

If you build it....

Have you looked over the river and beyond the woods lately? The new building on Rec Island is coming along nicely. Rec Island staff are looking forward to getting out of their temporary trailer home and into their new home by May 1st of this year.

Under Repair

The gym floor at King suffered water damage during our last big snowstorm (storm #65 this year I think, but who's counting!) The wood floor warped and buckled and is now in the process of being repaired. Fingers crossed for the April 7th gym re-opening date.