Friday, February 29, 2008

Welcome to the last half of the semester!

That's right, there are only 6 weeks left in this winter semester. Winter is still hanging on with cold temperatures and snow, but there has been lots of sunshine and the days are longer. Spring officially arrives this month and daylight saving time kicks in on March 9th (don't forget to turn your clocks ahead!) There's lots of news as usual, including a new baby, an update on the blood donor challenge, some new library displays, and an eco-challenge. So read on!

Jina had her baby!

Jina Paima in Admin. welcomed her new baby boy, Kaihan, on Tuesday, February 5th at 4:44pm. Kaihan weighed 8 lbs, 5 oz. and is a cutey! Congratulations Jina!

Academic Honesty, Plagiarism and Turnitin

Do your students understand what plagiarism, academic honesty and Turnitin are all about? Have you been looking for resources that would help explain all of these to your students? Look no further! Seneca Libraries web site has a number of excellent Academic Honesty Resources for Faculty Have more questions? Contact Carmen Genuardi in the library.

Eco-Challenge: Turn Off the Lights for the Earth

Saturday, March 29th from 8pm to 9pm is EARTH HOUR. At 8pm on March 29th millions of people in some of the world's major capital cities, including Copenhagen, Toronto, Chicago, Melbourne, and Tel Aviv will unite and switch off their lights for Earth Hour. This simple act was created to take a stand against global warming. Do your part....shut down for one hour on Saturday, March 29th. Visit to find out more.

Blood Donor Clinic Update

The blood donor clinic held on Feb. 13th was very successful. A total of 67 students, staff and faculty attended the clinic. The winner of the departmental challenge was the Administration department! Congrats to the Admin folks for proving that it was "in them to give".

Mind Body Soul

Check out the library display in the hall outside Tim Horton's to get some ideas on creating a whole new you. Look after your mind, body and soul and get set for Spring!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Blue, green & grey...the colours of the future...of recycling that is!

The boxes are, green and grey! Dotting the hallways and lunch pods are the new recycling centres that are designed to maximize our ability to recycle on campus. More items are being recycled than ever before and you can check out a guide at:

Library heads to the Animal Health Facility

The King Library has started its "remote reference" service at the Animal Health Facility again this semester. In an effort to "go where the students are" library staff visit the Vet Tech building and bring journals and books of interest to the students. Last week Vet Tech faculty and students were treated to Dance Dance Revolution, the "feet-on" dance mats that the library uses for outreach. If you would like library reference at your remote location for your students please contact Cynthia Mckeich.

Give the gift of life

There will be a Blood Donor Clinic on Wednesday February 13th from 10:00am to 2:00pm in Pod A.

Farewell to Kaaren Bell

A lovely farewell party was held for retiring Counsellor Kaaren Bell in Pod C on January 29th. Kaaren will be missed by many folks at King and we wish her health and happiness in the days to come.

Seneca Libraries join provincial virtual reference initiative

Seneca Libraries are proud to be part of the new provincial virtual reference project askON. By simply clicking on the askON logo from the library homepage you can immediately chat with skilled askON library staff located across the province. askON can help find answers to quick questions and assist with more complicated research needs. Seneca Libraries is partnering with Algonquin, George Brown and Mohawk Colleges, and Lakehead, Ryerson and York Universities to offer the service. So go ahead...ask on!