Friday, November 23, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

It isn't officially winter yet, but lots of the white stuff has already fallen blanketing the campus in white. I don't know about you, but it gets me in a holiday mood. Please don't forget about the needy family that our campus is sponsoring. Read on to find out about that and other events happening on campus.

Holiday Giving

Once again the King Campus will sponsor a needy family in York Region. This year we have been given a family of a mother and three teenagers. While it is always easy and fun to donate a gift to a small child, it is usually the older (and sometimes the more vunerable) children that go without. King Campus faculty and staff have always been enormously generous and our gifts are very much appreciated by the Salvation Army who try to provide for a growing number of needy people throughout the region. Gifts, gift certificates and donations can be dropped off at the Administration Office up to December 17th. Our family is composed of the following: 1 mother, 2 boys aged 16 and 15 and 1 girl aged 13.

King Campus Pot Luck

Mark your calendar for the annual King Campus Holiday Pot Luck Lunch. Monday, December 17th at 12:00 noon in Pod C. Look for your invitation in the mail and don't forget to RSVP to Mary-Ellen. The question on everyone's mind: will Tina cook a turkey?!

Doors Open Seneca @ King

The week of November 26th to 30th gives you the chance to visit other spots on campus during the "Doors Open Seneca" event. Here's the schedule for King: Monday, Nov. 26th: Crime Scene Lab 10am to 11am. Nursing Simulation Lab: 12noon to 3pm in KG211. Tuesday, Nov. 27th: Underwater Skills Lab 10am to 11am in KG222. Thursday, Nov. 29th: Vet Tech Building 10am to 2pm. And all week you can drop in the Library, the Computing Lab, or the Gymnasium. Go check out your neighbours and colleagues.

One Book One Campus a success

Playwright and author Drew Hayden Taylor brought his unique brand of humour and insight to campus on November 8th. The sixth annual One Book, One Campus event organized by the King Library and generously supported by the Dean's Office, King SSF, and Rec Council was definitely a success. Lots of lucky door prize winners won copies of Drew's books and plays and had them signed by the author on the spot. Who would you like to see on campus next year? Contact Cynthia Mckeich with your suggestions.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Get ready, get set!

From Fall Fest to author readings to looking ahead to Christmas, this issue has it all. Read on, take it in, get involved and send in your ideas. Be an active part of the King community!

One Book One Campus, Thursday, November 8th at 12:35pm in Pod C

Want a break from the November blues? Want to spend an hour laughing? Want the chance to win a book? Pick up your free ticket to this year's One Book One Campus event with author Drew Hayden Taylor. Bring your class. Tickets are available at the reference desk in the library or by calling ext. 5107.

Hallowe'en fun @ King

Forget the ghosts and goblins, this year's "in" costumes were definitely spotted in the King Admin area! Prom night 1967 was relived in all it's glory. What a fine looking team!

Pumpkin winner

Congratulations go out to the Rec Council group for their first place pumpkin. Hmmm....looks like a professional carving job to me!

Recreation Island Construction Update

Construction of the new building for the King Outdoor Centre and the King Day Camp located on Recreation Island is slated to begin on Monday, November 5th. The completion date is May 1st, 2008 (fingers crossed!). Please be aware of large construction vehicles on the road into the campus and in particular on the road to Rec Island.

Christmas Charity

Each year the King Campus community contributes to a worthy Christmas charity. In the past we have supported less fortunate families in our area. Do you have other ideas or charities that you think we should support? Please let Mary-Ellen Clare know.

More holiday fun!

Too early to be thinking of the holidays? But not too early to be thinking of your department holiday entertainment! Will we see the law enforcement gang back in tights? Will the nurses sing again? And what will the library do? Get planning!

Fall Fest

Saturday, October 27th saw the families of King Day Camp invited back on campus to celebrate all things "fall". Games and crafts and a haunted house were part of the festivities. New this year was a team of horses pulling the EVLC wagon to a corn maze!