Friday, November 23, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

It isn't officially winter yet, but lots of the white stuff has already fallen blanketing the campus in white. I don't know about you, but it gets me in a holiday mood. Please don't forget about the needy family that our campus is sponsoring. Read on to find out about that and other events happening on campus.

Holiday Giving

Once again the King Campus will sponsor a needy family in York Region. This year we have been given a family of a mother and three teenagers. While it is always easy and fun to donate a gift to a small child, it is usually the older (and sometimes the more vunerable) children that go without. King Campus faculty and staff have always been enormously generous and our gifts are very much appreciated by the Salvation Army who try to provide for a growing number of needy people throughout the region. Gifts, gift certificates and donations can be dropped off at the Administration Office up to December 17th. Our family is composed of the following: 1 mother, 2 boys aged 16 and 15 and 1 girl aged 13.

King Campus Pot Luck

Mark your calendar for the annual King Campus Holiday Pot Luck Lunch. Monday, December 17th at 12:00 noon in Pod C. Look for your invitation in the mail and don't forget to RSVP to Mary-Ellen. The question on everyone's mind: will Tina cook a turkey?!

Doors Open Seneca @ King

The week of November 26th to 30th gives you the chance to visit other spots on campus during the "Doors Open Seneca" event. Here's the schedule for King: Monday, Nov. 26th: Crime Scene Lab 10am to 11am. Nursing Simulation Lab: 12noon to 3pm in KG211. Tuesday, Nov. 27th: Underwater Skills Lab 10am to 11am in KG222. Thursday, Nov. 29th: Vet Tech Building 10am to 2pm. And all week you can drop in the Library, the Computing Lab, or the Gymnasium. Go check out your neighbours and colleagues.

One Book One Campus a success

Playwright and author Drew Hayden Taylor brought his unique brand of humour and insight to campus on November 8th. The sixth annual One Book, One Campus event organized by the King Library and generously supported by the Dean's Office, King SSF, and Rec Council was definitely a success. Lots of lucky door prize winners won copies of Drew's books and plays and had them signed by the author on the spot. Who would you like to see on campus next year? Contact Cynthia Mckeich with your suggestions.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Get ready, get set!

From Fall Fest to author readings to looking ahead to Christmas, this issue has it all. Read on, take it in, get involved and send in your ideas. Be an active part of the King community!

One Book One Campus, Thursday, November 8th at 12:35pm in Pod C

Want a break from the November blues? Want to spend an hour laughing? Want the chance to win a book? Pick up your free ticket to this year's One Book One Campus event with author Drew Hayden Taylor. Bring your class. Tickets are available at the reference desk in the library or by calling ext. 5107.

Hallowe'en fun @ King

Forget the ghosts and goblins, this year's "in" costumes were definitely spotted in the King Admin area! Prom night 1967 was relived in all it's glory. What a fine looking team!

Pumpkin winner

Congratulations go out to the Rec Council group for their first place pumpkin. Hmmm....looks like a professional carving job to me!

Recreation Island Construction Update

Construction of the new building for the King Outdoor Centre and the King Day Camp located on Recreation Island is slated to begin on Monday, November 5th. The completion date is May 1st, 2008 (fingers crossed!). Please be aware of large construction vehicles on the road into the campus and in particular on the road to Rec Island.

Christmas Charity

Each year the King Campus community contributes to a worthy Christmas charity. In the past we have supported less fortunate families in our area. Do you have other ideas or charities that you think we should support? Please let Mary-Ellen Clare know.

More holiday fun!

Too early to be thinking of the holidays? But not too early to be thinking of your department holiday entertainment! Will we see the law enforcement gang back in tights? Will the nurses sing again? And what will the library do? Get planning!

Fall Fest

Saturday, October 27th saw the families of King Day Camp invited back on campus to celebrate all things "fall". Games and crafts and a haunted house were part of the festivities. New this year was a team of horses pulling the EVLC wagon to a corn maze!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Faculty & Staff Pub Thursday October 18th

Congratulations on surviving another semester startup! Please mark your calendars on October 18th for our annual fall staff and faculty pub. This year we'd like to change the venue to Pod B. Draft beer, wine and soft drinks will be available. Be there between 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Some of us will attempt to play euchre. Some will just want to stop by and say hello. Whatever suits you, suits us. Let Mary-Ellen know if you plan to attend so that she can order in the wings and pizza.

Hey! Where's my garbage can??

Wondering what happened to all the garbage cans on campus? Check out this NOTICE from Facilities Management as it gives you the low down on the trash can mystery.

King Environment Week

Mark your calendars for the King Campus Environment Week. From Monday, October 29th to Friday, November 2nd there will be lots of activities on campus. Read below for a day to day calendar of activities.

Monday, Oct. 29th: KEG info sessions not that kind of keg! KEG (King Environment Group) will be holding information sessions for students in Room 6 in the Library at 1:30pm and 2:25pm. They will be repeating the sessions on Thursday, Nov. 1st at 2:25pm and 3:20pm (also in Room 6 in the Library).

Tuesday, Oct. 30th: The Climate Project on campus

Al Gore's big green environmental machine, The Climate Project, is coming to King. Anne Parker of the Canadian Climate Project will present a 45 minute look at global warming. Pod C: 12:35pm and again at 5:00pm.

Wed. Oct. 31st. Permeable what?!

Pavement! Everything you ever wanted to know about permeable pavement. Pod C, 12:35pm to 1:35pm. The Toronto Region Conservation Authority will be on campus to talk about the internationally recognized success story of the permeable pavement project on campus.

Thursday, Nov. 1st. Tree Planting

10:00am to 3:15pm. All students, staff and Faculty are invited to plant a tree as part of King's efforts to restore natural cover in the west campus area.

Friday, Nov. 2nd 12:35 pm Lunch Hike

Meet at Recreation Island. Join Barb Weeden-Carmichael for a 40 minute hike on the King Trail leading to Eaton Hall.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Are you enjoying the balmy weather of October? Thinking of hitting the golf course or going for a long walk in your shorts and sandals before turkey dinner? Here's hoping that everyone at our beautiful King Campus has a fabulous long weekend!


The SMILE (Student Mentoring in Life and Education) Program is now at the King Campus. New students in SSW, PND and EVLC have access to SMILE mentors who are senior students with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. SMILE is also looking to start in the King ECE program in January 2008.

The SMILE office is located in Student Services on selected days.

For more information please visit the SMILE website or email Alecia Swaby.

Infocaster Guidelines

Want to post something on the new tv's around campus? Here's some more information on what you need to know about the system and how to go about posting:

Notices which affect student welfare, finances or academic status take priority.

Each posting should include a stop and start date and should be concise.

Two days notice is required before posting.

Consider realistic lead times for your posting to reduce clutter.

Pictures and other attachments must be in jpeg format and scaled down to no more than 800 X 600 pixels.

Mary-Ellen Clare will make any final decision on posting status or suitability.

One Book, One Campus

It's coming! Don't miss Drew Hayden Taylor on Thursday, November 8th at 12:30 in Pod C. Want to know more? Ask Cynthia Mckeich.

Sexual Health Clinic

ORT/ORTC program reunion

The ORT/ORTC 30 year program reunion and a retirement celebration for Clare Magee were held on Sept. 29 at Rec. Island. From left to right - Bryan Blain, Barb Weeden-Carmichael and Clare Magee.

Rec Island News

There has been lots of activity down on the Island in the past few weeks. Students from the Humber College Recreation and Leisure program participated in a 3 day, 2 night outdoor recreation experience.

Students from the EVLC program visited Rec. Island for a 2 day program to take part in some environmental sampling and data collection.

RLS students enjoyed the sunny weather while being taught how to canoe.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Lots happening around campus...

Tons of news and events to pass on this week. There are six articles in this issue, make sure you scroll down and read them wouldn't want to miss out on a special event!

Exciting e-classroom news!

Do you teach in room 117, 118, 110, 217, or 221? Have you noticed the fancy new "document cameras"? These are state of the art overhead projectors that are attached to the electronic podium! Want some help learning how to use them? Please come to the library and ask Ken or Brian for some instruction.

Jack and Clare's Excellent Adventure

You are invited to a double-bill retirement party! Please join us for a very informal gathering to celebrate Jack Seigel and Clare Magee.
Date: Wednesday, September 26th.

Time: 3:30 to 6:00 p.m.

Place: The Pavilion at Recreation Island

(There will be lots to eat and a cash bar)

Dress Code: No fur coats, snow shoes optional

Please RSVP to Stu Koch (x 5302), John Struthers (x5002), or Phil Webster (x 5010).

Weight Watchers @ Work

Want to join Weight Watchers at Work? We need 10 people to start up. Contact Diane at ext. 5009 or by email.

Blood Typing and Blood Donor Clinics @ King

What’s your type? Find out quickly and easily at the Blood Typing Clinic: Thursday, September 27th 11am to 2:00pm in POD A. Then participate in the…

Blood Donor Clinic, Tuesday October 2nd, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm in POD A.

Give the gift of life….give blood.

Lots of new books in the King Library

Want to see all of the new books that the King Library has received from March to September 2007? Check out this LIST by program area.

Recreation News

We have a brand new fitness facility! Check it out in the gym and get some instruction on the new fitness equipment. There are Fitness Supervisors on duty Monday to Friday at various times. Contact Jill Robertson for details.
Other great Rec events: Beach volleyball every Monday 5 to 6 pm at Rec Island. Pilates classes started Sept. 18th at 11:40am in the gym. (4 week session only $10). CRE8 Challenge Sept. 17-21 sign up in Room 104.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Seneca's 40th Anniversary

The kick-off for a year of celebrations for Seneca's 40th Anniversary took place on Thursday, September 6th in the main lobby of Garriock Hall. Senior Vice-President Cindy Hazell emceed the event with special guest speakers who included former Seneca President Roy McCutcheon and King Mayor Margaret Black.
A ceremonial red ribbon cutting and symbolic "open" doors were part of the ceremony.
Look for more special "40th" events throughout the year.

Successful Frosh Day

Nycole & Tania
Mary-Ellen Clare
Tina Frosh Day bloomed hot and sunny on Thursday, September 6th. Recreation Island was once again the site for music, barbecued food and fresh hot corn on the cob.

Thanks to the wonderful faculty and staff at King Campus who valiantly braved the heat and smoke of the BBQ to serve burgers and dogs to the hungry hordes! Congratulations to the King SSF and Recreation Council for another successful event.

Introducing your A/V guys!

Ken & BrianMemorize these faces! If you teach in an electronic classroom, need help with any audio/visual equipment, need to book a DVD or video, or want help video editing, then these are your guys!

Ken Wu is the full-time audio/visual technician in the library, and Brian Da Silva is the part-time technician. Always ready with a smile and invaluable technical advice, they are here to make your classes run smoothly.

Both Ken and Brian can be reached at ext. 5110 or at the audio/visual desk within the library.

Book your research class

Did you know that King librarians are happy to come into your classroom to provide in-class instruction on research skills, plagiarism and citation? We are available to provide support for your courses and are happy to come in for one session or multiple smaller sessions in order to best meet your needs.

Please contact Cynthia McKeich or Carmen Genuardi for more information.

One Book, One Campus

Drew Hayden TaylorThe sixth annual One Book, One Campus event is scheduled to take place on Thursday, November 8th, at 12:30pm in Pod C. This year's author is native writer, playwright, actor and comedian, Drew Hayden Taylor. This promises to be a great event, so English professors, plan on bringing your classes. (If you use the text Readers Choice, one of the essays included is by Drew.) Introduce your students to the wonderful experience of an author reading!

All students, faculty and staff are encouraged and welcome to attend. Look for posters around campus, and more info in this blog over the next few weeks. It's free and it will be fun!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Welcome to a new semester

Welcome back to all faculty and staff who have been on summer vacation. With classes starting everyone will be busy pulling together last minute projects, tweaking assignments and getting organized. The library is full of new books and videos and as always, librarians are available for classroom instruction.

Read on to find out about what people at King have been up to. If you have been off for the summer, check out the archives of the King Campus News to find out what you missed. Please contact us at if you have any news or events you would like to share.

Library Manual for Faculty

The King Library has created a guide for Faculty to our library services. To find out about King Library services, just follow this LINK.

Frosh Day

The annual Frosh Day activities will be held on Thursday September 6th hosted by the Recreation Council and King SSF. As in past years first year students are invited to the gym for 10:30 a.m. to participate in icebreakers. They will then meet at Recreation Island at noon for a BBQ and afternoon activities. Returning students are invited to the BBQ and activities.

Dance Dance Revolution in the Library!

Do you wanna dance?! Come to the library during the week of September 4th to test your skills on the DDR mats. You can challenge a colleague, or just show off your nimble footwork! Have some fun and meet your library staff.


You may have noticed the new televisions around King Campus. The televisions will provide important community information including scheduling updates, special announcements and event information. If you have information to share with the entire King Campus via this medium, please contact Mary-Ellen Clare.

Missing Link Golf Tournament

King Campus was represented by two teams at Seneca's Missing Link Golf Tournament. Cynthia McKeich and Dave Geddes made us proud by winning the female and male "Closest to the Keg" contest. The tournament, which was held at the Maples of Ballantrae Golf Course, raised funds for the Seneca Food Bank. Despite grey skies and cool weather, great fun was had by all! We hope to see even more King golfers out next year.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Only a few weeks of summer left...

Summer is rapidly winding down and in two weeks, most of us will be back preparing for the flurry of activity that is September. These next few weeks are the proverbial "calm before the storm" so take this opportunity to rest up and prepare for the buzz. We are beginning a series of blog entries focusing on the programs here at King, starting with 911 and Emergency Services Communications. Keep reading for more King Campus news and the last of the library's reading recommendations.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

August 27th Welcome Back Meeting

We look forward to seeing all full-time faculty and any interested support staff on August 27th at 9:30 in Pod C. The meeting will be followed by a BBQ for all.

Spotlight On 911 and Emergency Services Communications

September 2007 marks the third year that King Campus has been training emergency communications operators through the 911 and Emergency Services Communications program. Students spend two semesters preparing for careers with Police, Fire and Ambulance communication centres, private security companies, private policing, hospital switchboards, and Language Line services. The program was developed in collaboration with potential employers based on the needs of the profession and developing the "perfect employee candidate." Graduates from this program have obtained positions with organization such as York Regional Police, Thunder Bay OPP, Waterloo Region Police and On Star. Seneca grads have a high retention rate due to the skills they learn through the program. This program was featured in the latest edition of the Senecan. For more information contact Nycole Harding, program coordinator.

People News

Well, it has been an exciting summer over at Rec Island. In addition to the influx of young campers, the Recreation Team have been blessed with some new family members. Kevin French and his family welcomed Regan Elizabeth in June, a lovely little sister for Taylor. Greg Hupponen has a new son, Lucas Stewart, born in July, a welcome little brother for Olivia. All babies are happy and well and the families are doing great.

ADM Dragon Boat Race comes to King Campus on August 18

The 4th Annual United Way York Region ADM Dragon Boat Race is coming to Rec Island on August 18th. The King Day Camp has entered as the Paddlin Pals. They are defending the Spirit Award, which they have won the past two years in a row, and have their sights set on First Place overall. Please come to cheer for the Paddlin Pals as they compete with over 30 other teams.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Julie's Summer Reading Picks

Julie Cain-Kostic has selected a variety of Canadian literature to round out your summer reading list. Drop by the library to pick up a copy!

Birth House by Ami Mckay
The Hidden Life of Humans by Erika Ritter
Lives of the Saints by Nino Ricci
Mister Sandman by Barbara Gowdy

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It Can't Be Mid-July Already...

It is the middle of July and King Campus is in the midst of summer fun. The King Day Camp welcomed the first batch of campers after the Canada Day weekend. When you step outside, you hear the sounds of young children having fun all over King. Inside, the library has started to receive new books for the fall but there is still time to get your requests in, so be sure to drop by and let us know what you need. Continue reading for the story of Phil Otterman's restoration work, work-out tips from Jill Robertson and of course more fun summer reading picks.

Gate Light Restored to it's Former Glory

On your morning drive into campus, you may have noticed that the gate light has been replaced. Thanks to Phil Otterman's hard work and creativity, the gate light which broke seven years ago after being struck by a tree, has been restored to it's former glory. The light originated in England and is thought to be from the 1920's or 1930's. Phil found the pieces in various locations on campus, put them together and made replacement parts for those which could not be found. The light was sandblasted and painted and installed at the begining of June, just in time for Kingfest. If you haven't noticed it yet, slow down as you drive in and check out Phil's handiwork.
Photo Credit: Lisa Hurst-Rykhoff

Jill Robertson's Healthy Living Tips

Nutrition Tip – The Skinny on Starving Yourself
It is critical to eat SMART not LESS. Eat healthier snacks throughout the day instead of depriving your body of the nutrients it needs to function properly.

Training Tip – Heat Things Up, Cool Things Down
Always perform a proper warm-up and cool down routine. Warming-up increases blood flow to muscles and reduces post exercise stiffness and soreness, while decreasing the risk of injury. A proper warm-up should last 10-15 minutes and look like this:

3-5 Minutes of light to moderate exercise – brisk walking, light jogging or skipping
5–10 Stretching head to toe – hold each stretch for 15 seconds no bouncing.

Note: It is a good idea to stretch the muscle being used between sets of each exercise

Bowl for Kids Sake Follow-up

Senecans took home the coveted trophy as the winners of the Bowl for Kids Sake. The trophy has arrived at King and is available for viewing in admin. Thanks to all those who participated!

Summer Reading Picks

Autumn Piette has selected some romantic mysteries for you to pack in the beach bag as you head to the cottage for your much deserved break. Whether you have some spare time on the weekend or a couple of weeks of relaxation, come to the library to pick up one of these summer reads.

Cry No More by Linda Howard
Lady Killer by Meryl Sawyer
Speak No Evil by Allison Brennan
Northern Lights by Nora Roberts

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hot Fun in the Summertime

Summer has arrived to King Campus in a flurry of activity. As temperatures have soared so has the excitement. From the staff picnic to Kingfest, there has been much fun had by all. We are excited to have a new dean, who has been quickly exposed to the hard work and dedication of King staff. Scroll down to read about the activities that have been happening at King. To those who have some vacation time coming up, enjoy your break, you deserve it and we look forward to seeing rejuvenated and energized staff return to King Campus.

Introducing Dean Tina Di Simone

Well, what can I say? I have completed my first week at the beautiful King Campus and what a week it was. On my first day, I was greeted with the warmest welcome anyone could imagine - - thank you all for helping make my first week so comfortable.

A bit about me. I was born and raised in Richmond Hill and moved to Windsor to attend university. After completing a B.A (Hon. Psychology) I was hired by St. Clair College and spent the better part of the past 15 years learning about the Ontario college system. I earned a masters degree from the Univ. of Calgary (Continuing Education) and shortly thereafter, began my doctorate in Education at U of T (still plugging away on this one). So, after 20 years away, I have returned home to begin a new chapter of my life at Seneca College and I'm looking forward to every new adventure.

Kingfest 2007 was an amazing show...

Kingfest 2007 was an amazing show with three days filled with Canadian talent rocking King Campus. Friday night opened with a hip party featuring bands such as Sloan and the Trews. Saturday and Sunday saw acts small and large bring together music lovers in an amazing setting. From the romantic proposal of a local couple during Sarah Harmer's performance to Bruce Cockburn's encore, the magic of music was evident. Thanks to all the Senecans who committed countless hours to this event! Special thanks to Carmen Schlamb for contributing her photos to the blog, watch her website for more KingFest photos. We can't wait for next year's show!

Survivor Seneca 2007

Seneca staff joined us at King on June 11, 2007 for a great day of tasty food, fun games and plenty of socializing. The weather was amazing and staff enjoyed being outside in a beautiful setting. Many thanks to the picnic committee, who provided a well organized, fun event with lots of great prizes. We can't wait until next year!

Summer Reading Picks

Tanis Fink, Seneca's Chief Librarian, has selected a number of titles for your reading pleasure. Lie in the sun, curl up on the couch or swing on the porch with these great reads.

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
The Birth House by Ami McKay
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

Goodbye Chris

Last week King Campus said good-bye to Chris Ioannou, the King A.V. Technician. Chris is taking a one-year leave of absence and his presence will be missed throughout King Campus. Staff and faculty have come to depend on Chris and his technical abilities, as he is always willing to go the extra mile and provides excellent service. We wish Chris the best as he returns to Cyprus. Chris, we will miss you!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June already?

It's June already and King Campus has settled into the rhythm of summer. The library is busy planning for September by selecting books. If you would like to recommend a title for your class please contact library staff. For law contact Sharon Doyle. For nursing, general science and social service worker contact Carmen Genuardi. For EVLC, golf course, diving and general arts contact Cynthia McKeich. For veterinary technician contact Autumn Piette. For business and ECE contact Caroline Stewart. We look forward to receiving your selections.
Continue reading for updates on current events at King Campus and for Stan's farewell message.

Farewell from Stan

At the end of my eight months at King Campus it sometimes seems as if I've always been here, and sometimes I feel as if I've been here for just an instant in time. As awkward as an "interim" position can be, I have found this experience to be straightforward and comfortable. While there are still a few people at King whom I have not met with, I have gotten to know the vast majority of folks here. I thank you for your warm welcome and cooperation. At the very least the campus has not gone to pieces during my time here. At the very most we have maintained the academic and campus momentum and have "set the table" for incoming Dean Tina Di Simone. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time "back at King" and wish everyone continued success in serving our students and our community.

Seneca Staff Picnic

Seneca's staff picnic is once again upon us. On June 11, staff from all campuses will descend on Rec Island for food and fun. Be sure to RSVP For more information check this out: Seneca Survivor

Summer Reading Picks

To continue with our expert recommendations, Caroline has selected a variety of books for your reading pleasure. Come into the library to pick up these titles or browse for yourself.

Mercy Among the Children by David Adams Richards
Stanley Park by Timothy Taylor
JPod by Douglas Coupland
Spanish Game by Charles Cumming

Kingfest June 22, 23 and 24

Kingfest is rapidly approaching and we are excited about the arrival of musicians, artists and music fans to King Campus. We are looking forward to seeing many of you at this great event. Contact the cash office for discounted tickets.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Halfway through May....

Well here we are, halfway through May and the summer semester is already underway. Things are a little quieter around Garriock Hall but the King Campus is still busy with events and opportunities. Remember if you have any news or stories you would like to share send them to and we will happily publish your news.

Tickets for Kingfest - June 22, 23 & 24

A limited number of specially priced tickets are available for Senecans from the King Cash Office. Tickets are $20 each per day. This is a great deal compared to the Ticketmaster price.
Want free admission? How about volunteering some of your time? Contact Michelle Hutt for information.

Seneca Employee Picnic

Mark your calendars for Monday, June 11th for what promises to be the BEST employee picnic ever. A dedicated bunch of King folks have been busy plotting and planning for lots of fun! Check this out: Seneca Survivor

King Outdoor Centre - how to make a great team even better!

Want to fly through the air with the greatest of ease? You should check out the King Outdoor Centre. The King Library Staff spent a morning doing some awesome team-building activities with the staff from the Outdoor Centre on Rec Island. We participated in some “challenge by choice” activities and made our amazing team an even better one. If you are interested in having your department experience the zip line, the giant swing, the climbing wall, kayaking, canoeing, archery or more, contact Kevin French

More Summer Reading Picks

Continuing with our staff recommendations for some interesting summer reading, Cynthia suggests trying these titles:

- Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper
- Audrey Niffenegger, The Time Traveller’s Wife
- Merilyn Simonds, The Holding

Cynthia has lots of suggestions if you want to stop by the library for a chat!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

No more pencils, no more books…

A huge sigh of relief was heard throughout Garriock Hall by the end of exams. No more shushing in the library, no more cramming in the halls, and sadly, no more Tim Hortons! Even though the semester is (finally) over, there’s still lots of stuff going on at King and we’ll keep you posted all summer long.


Don’t forget about the music extravaganza coming to King Campus June 22nd – 24th. That’s right…a third day has been added to Kingfest.

Take a hike!

Clare Magee will conduct an educational hike for all who are interested on Thursday, April 26, and Friday, April 27, from 12:00 to 12:45.
Walk from Garriock Hall to view and understand the restored wetland and new wildlife travel corridor. Stand where First Nations artifacts were found in last summer's archaeology survey. Hold stone artifacts confirming 6,000 years of seasonal use of that site!

Meet at the west door of the 300 Portables at noon. Wear 'mud' footwear.

Summer Reading Picks

Looking for some great reads this summer? The King Library Staff will be recommending their favourites all summer long.

Like Sci Fi? Sharon recommends:
• Neil Gaiman American Gods
• Jim Butcher Storm Front
• Rachel Caine Ill Wind